Oct 2024
Rubén V. Alliaud

Sons and Daughters of God


Oct 2022
Jorge F. Zeballos

Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary

Apr 2022
Russell M. Nelson

The Power of Spiritual Momentum


Oct 2019
Peter M. Johnson

Power to Overcome the Adversary

Oct 2019
Gary E. Stevenson

Deceive Me Not


Oct 2011
Jeffrey R. Holland

We Are All Enlisted


Oct 2001
Neal A. Maxwell

The Seventh Commandment: A Shield

Oct 2001
Richard G. Scott

The Power of a Strong Testimony

Oct 2001
James E. Faust

The Atonement: Our Greatest Hope

Oct 2001
H. David Burton

Standing Tall

Oct 2001
Russell M. Nelson

“Set in Order Thy House”

Oct 2001
Henry B. Eyring


Oct 2001
Sheri L. Dew

It Is Not Good for Man or Woman to Be Alone

Oct 2001
L. Whitney Clayton

“Help Thou Mine Unbelief”

Oct 2001
Robert D. Hales

Fulfilling Our Duty to God

Oct 2001
H. Ross Workman

Beware of Murmuring

Oct 2001
Sheri L. Dew

Are We Not All Mothers?

Apr 2001
John H. Groberg

Priesthood Power

Apr 2001
Neal A. Maxwell

“Plow in Hope”

Apr 2001
Richard G. Scott

First Things First

Apr 2001
Keith B. McMullin

An Invitation with Promise


Oct 2000
Richard G. Scott

The Path to Peace and Joy

Oct 2000
James E. Faust

The Enemy Within

Oct 2000
Richard C. Edgley

Satan’s Bag of Snipes

Oct 2000
Virginia U. Jensen


Apr 2000
Richard G. Scott

The Sanctity of Womanhood

Apr 2000
Boyd K. Packer

The Cloven Tongues of Fire

Apr 2000
Gordon B. Hinckley

My Testimony

Apr 2000
Glenn L. Pace

A Temple for West Africa


Oct 1999
Sheri L. Dew

We Are Women of God

Oct 1999
James E. Faust

Of Seeds and Soils

Oct 1999
M. Russell Ballard

Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers

Oct 1999
Richard C. Edgley

“Behold the Man”

Oct 1999
Sharon G. Larsen

Agency—A Blessing and a Burden

Apr 1999
Henry B. Eyring

The Power of Teaching Doctrine

Apr 1999
Carol B. Thomas

Preparing Our Families for the Temple

Apr 1999
Russell M. Nelson

Our Sacred Duty to Honor Women

Apr 1999
Sheri L. Dew

Our Only Chance

Apr 1999
M. Russell Ballard

Like a Flame Unquenchable


Oct 1998
Sheri L. Dew

We Are Not Alone

Oct 1998
Gordon B. Hinckley

Walking in the Light of the Lord

Oct 1998
Richard G. Scott

The Power of Righteousness

Oct 1998
James E. Faust

“By What Power … Have Ye Done This?”

Apr 1998
Henry B. Eyring

That We May Be One

Apr 1998
James E. Faust

“Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart”

Apr 1998
Richard G. Scott

Removing Barriers to Happiness

Apr 1998
Lynn G. Robbins

Agency and Anger


Oct 1997
M. Russell Ballard

Standing for Truth and Right

Oct 1997
James E. Faust

Pioneers of the Future: “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe”

Oct 1997
Sheri L. Dew

“Are You the Woman I Think You Are?”

Apr 1997
Russell M. Nelson

Endure and Be Lifted Up

Apr 1997
Gordon B. Hinckley

Converts and Young Men

Apr 1997
Patricia P. Pinegar

Caring for the Souls of Children


Oct 1996
Joe J. Christensen

The Savior Is Counting on You

Oct 1996
Neal A. Maxwell

“According to the Desire of [Our] Hearts”


Oct 1994
Richard C. Edgley

That Thy Confidence Wax Strong

Oct 1994
Richard G. Scott

Making the Right Choices

Oct 1994
Horacio A. Tenorio

Let Us Build Fortresses

Oct 1994
Michaelene P. Grassli

Helping Children Know Truth from Error

Oct 1994
Joseph B. Wirthlin

Deep Roots

Apr 1994
Richard G. Scott

To Be Healed

Apr 1994
Merlin R. Lybbert

The Special Status of Children

Apr 1994
Boyd K. Packer

The Father and the Family

Apr 1994
H. David Burton

Courage to Hearken


Oct 1987
James E. Faust

“The Great Imitator”


Oct 1986
Gordon B. Hinckley

The War We Are Winning

Oct 1986
David B. Haight

Spiritual Crevasses


Oct 1974
ElRay L. Christiansen

Power over Satan

Apr 1974
Bernard P. Brockbank

Hearken unto the Voice of God


Apr 1973
David B. Haight

Power of Evil


Oct 1971
Ezra Taft Benson

Satan’s Thrust—Youth

Oct 1971
Delbert L. Stapley

Our Responsibility: To Save the World

Oct 1971
Eldred G. Smith


Apr 1971
Marion G. Romney

Satan—The Great Deceiver