Oct 2024
Gary E. Stevenson

O Aso e Le Tatau ona Faagaloina

Oct 2024
Aroldo B. Cavalcante

Sa Le’i Pe Lava le Agi o le Matagi

Oct 2024
José A. Teixeira

Noatia ia Iesu Keriso: Avea ma Masima o le Lalolagi

Apr 2024
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Se Olioli Maualuga Atu

Apr 2024
Steven R. Bangerter

Mua’i Faau’uina e Auauna Atu


Oct 2023
Gerrit W. Gong

O Loo Tautalagia Iinei le Alofa

Oct 2023
Ronald A. Rasband

E Matua Tele Atu Lo Outou Olioli

Oct 2023
Yoon Hwan Choi

E Te Manao Ia E Fiafia?

Oct 2023
Robert M. Daines

Le Alii e, Matou Te Fia Feiloai ma Iesu

Oct 2023
David A. Bednar

I Le Ala o Lo Latou Tiute

Apr 2023
Gerrit W. Gong



Oct 2022
Joseph W. Sitati

Mamanu o le Avea ai ma Soo

Oct 2022
D. Todd Christofferson

O Le Aoaoga Faavae Autu o le Avea Ai Ma Ni Ō

Oct 2022
Dallin H. Oaks

Fesoasoani i Ē Matitiva ma Mafatia

Apr 2022
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Ā Tatou Mea Uma Mai Le Loto

Apr 2022
Ronald A. Rasband

Ia Faamaloloina le Lalolagi

Apr 2022
Jean B. Bingham

O Feagaiga ma le Atua e Faamalolosia, Puipuia, ma Saunia ai i Tatou mo le Mamalu e Faavavau

Apr 2022
M. Russell Ballard

O Le Galuega Faafaifeautalai Ua Faamanuiaina ai Lo’u Olaga e Faavavau


Oct 2021
Sharon Eubank

Ou Te Tatalo Ia Ona Faaaogaina i Tatou

Oct 2021
Gary E. Stevenson

Matagofie—Matagofie foi lona Faigofie

Oct 2021
Moisés Villanueva

Sa Alofagia Tele A’u e le Alii i O’u Aso Uma

Oct 2021
Dallin H. Oaks

O Le Manaomia o se Ekalesia

Apr 2021
José A. Teixeira

Manatua Lou Ala E Toe Foi Ai i le Aiga

Apr 2021
Henry B. Eyring

Faamanuiaina i Lona Suafa

Apr 2021
S. Gifford Nielsen

O Lo Tatou Taimi Lenei!


Oct 2020
Carlos A. Godoy

Ou Te Talitonu i Agelu

Oct 2020

Vitio: O Le Malamalama e Susulu i le Pogisa

Oct 2020
Steven J. Lund

Mauaina o le Olioli ia Keriso

Oct 2020
Michelle D. Craig

Mata e Vaai


Oct 2019
Russell M. Nelson

O Le Poloaiga Lona Lua ma le Sili

Oct 2019
Henry B. Eyring

O Tamaitai o le Feagaiga i Faigapaaga ma le Atua

Oct 2019
D. Todd Christofferson

O Le Olioli o le Au Paia

Apr 2019
W. Christopher Waddell

E Pei ona sa Ia Faia


Oct 2018
Henry B. Eyring


Oct 2018
Cristina B. Franco

O Le Olioli i le Auauna Atu Lē Manatu Faapito

Oct 2018
Robert C. Gay

Ave i o Tatou Luga le Suafa o Iesu Keriso

Oct 2018
Gerrit W. Gong

O La Tatou Afi o le Tolauapiga o le Faatuatua

Oct 2018
Joy D. Jones

Mo Ia

Oct 2018
Michelle D. Craig

Lagona Lē Mautonu

Oct 2018
Bonnie H. Cordon

Avea ma se Leoleo Mamoe

Apr 2018
Bonnie L. Oscarson

O Tamaitai Talavou i le Galuega

Apr 2018
Reyna I. Aburto

Ma le Loto Gatasi

Apr 2018
D. Todd Christofferson

O Le Korama a Toeaina

Apr 2018
Massimo De Feo

Alofa Mama: O Le Faailoga Moni o Soo Moni Uma o Iesu Keriso.

Apr 2018
M. Russell Ballard

O Meaalofa Faapelepele mai le Atua

Apr 2018
Russell M. Nelson

Auauna Atu i le Mana ma le Pule a le Atua

Apr 2018
Jean B. Bingham

Auauna Atu e pei ona Faia e le Faaola

Apr 2018
Russell M. Nelson

Malelega Tomua

Apr 2018
Henry B. Eyring

Auaunaga Musuia

Apr 2018
Jeffrey R. Holland

“Ia Faatasi ma Faamalosi i Latou”


Oct 2017
Bonnie L. Oscarson

O Manaoga i o Tatou Luma

Oct 2017
D. Todd Christofferson

O Le Areto Ola Na Alu Ifo Mai le Lagi

Oct 2017
José L. Alonso

Ia Fealofani e Pei Ona Ia Alofa Mai Ia I Tatou

Oct 2017
John C. Pingree Jr.

“Ua ia te A’u Se Galuega mo Oe”

Oct 2017
Henry B. Eyring

Aua le Fefe e Fai Mea Lelei

Oct 2017
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Ē Tauaveina le Malamalama Faalelagi

Oct 2017
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Se Faananau mo le Aiga

Apr 2017
Henry B. Eyring

“Savali Faatasi ma A’u”

Apr 2017
Bonnie H. Cordon

Ia Faatuatua i le Alii a e Aua le Faalagolago

Apr 2017
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Lē Sili ia te Outou

Apr 2017
Gérald Caussé

Saunia le Ala

Apr 2017
Henry B. Eyring

“Ou Te Tuuina Atu Ia Te Outou Le Manuia”


Apr 2016
Henry B. Eyring

Faalagolago i le Agaga Lena Lea na te Taitai ia Fai le Mea Lelei

Apr 2016
Russell M. Nelson

O Le Tau o le Mana o le Perisitua

Apr 2016
Kent F. Richards

O Le Mana o le FaaleAtua

Apr 2016
Saunia e Stephen W. Owen

O Taitai Sili o Soo Sili Ia

Apr 2016
Patrick Kearon

Sulufaiga mai le Afa

Apr 2016
Linda K. Burton

“Sa Fai A’u ma Tagata Ese”

Apr 2016
Cheryl A. Esplin

Ua Ia Talosagaina i Tatou e Avea ma Ona Aao


Oct 2015
Henry B. Eyring

E Le o Tuua Na o Outou i le Galuega

Oct 2015
Dale G. Renlund

E Ala Mai i Fofoga o le Atua

Oct 2015
Hugo Montoya

Tofotofoina ma Faaosoosoina—ae o le a Maua le Fesoasoani

Oct 2015
Carol F. McConkie

Ua I Ai Iinei e Auauna Atu mo se Mafuaaga Amiotonu

Oct 2015
Rosemary M. Wixom

Iloaina o le Paia i Totonu o i Tatou

Apr 2015
Michael T. Ringwood

Lelei Moni Lava ma Aunoa ma le Faa’ole’ole

Apr 2015
Henry B. Eyring

Perisitua ma le Tatalo Patino

Apr 2015
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

E Faatatau i le Faamaoni

Apr 2015
Henry B. Eyring

“E Le o Lenei Ea le Anapogi Ou te Loto I Ai?”

Apr 2015
Joseph W. Sitati

Ia Fanafanau, Uluuluola, ma Faato’a le Lalolagi


Oct 2014
Thomas S. Monson

Seia Tatou Toe Feiloai

Oct 2014
Henry B. Eyring

O Le Perisitua Sauniuni

Oct 2014
Dean M. Davies

O Le Tulafono o le Anapogi: O Se Tiutetauave Faaletagata Lava Ia e Tausia ai Ē Matitiva ma Ē Le Tagolima

Oct 2014
Hugo E. Martinez

O A Tatou Galuega o le Auaunaga Patino

Oct 2014
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Ola Fiafia i le Talalelei

Apr 2014
Donald L. Hallstrom

O A Ituaiga o Tagata?

Apr 2014
Linda K. Burton

Manaomia: Lima ma Loto e Faanatinati le Galuega

Apr 2014
Henry B. Eyring

O Le Alii Perisitua

Apr 2014
Ronald A. Rasband

O Le Avega Faafiafiaina o le Avea ma Soo

Apr 2014
Bonnie L. Oscarson

Le Usoga: Oka, so Tatou Manaomiaina o le Tasi ma le Isi

Apr 2014
Richard G. Scott

“Ua Ou Avatu le Faaa’oa’o ia te Outou”


Oct 2013
Linda K. Burton

O Le Mana, Olioli, ma le Alofa e Maua i le Tausiga o Feagaiga

Oct 2013
Henry B. Eyring

Fusi i o Latou Manua

Apr 2013
David L. Beck

O Lou Tiute Paia e Auauna Atu

Apr 2013
D. Todd Christofferson


Apr 2013
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Faalagiga e Fa

Apr 2013
Henry B. Eyring

“O Mai ia te Au Me”


Oct 2012
Carole M. Stephens

Ala Ma Ia i o Tatou Tiute

Oct 2012
Henry B. Eyring

O Fea le Faapaologa?

Oct 2012
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Le Olioli i le Perisitua

Oct 2012
Henry B. Eyring

O Lē Tuuina Atu le Tausiga

Oct 2012
Thomas S. Monson

Ia Mafuta le Atua ma Outou Seia Tatou Toe Feiloai

Oct 2012
Linda K. Burton

Muamua Matau, Ona Auauna Atu ai Lea

Oct 2012
Daniel L. Johnson

Avea ma Soo Moni

Oct 2012
M. Russell Ballard

Ia Auai ma le Naunautai

Oct 2012
Craig C. Christensen

O Se Meaalofa Le Mafaamatalaina mai le Atua

Apr 2012
Thomas S. Monson

Naunau ma Agavaa e Auauna Atu

Apr 2012
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Le Aisea o le Auaunaga Faaleperisitua

Apr 2012
Julie B. Beck

O Le Silasila Mamao a Perofeta e faatatau i le Aualofa: Faatuatua, Aiga, Toomaga

Apr 2012
Ronald A. Rasband

O Lesona Faapitoa

Apr 2012
Dallin H. Oaks


Apr 2012
Robert D. Hales

O Le Manatuaina Pe O Ai i Tatou: O Le Faamanatuga, le Malumalu, ma le Ositaulaga e Ala i le Auauna Atu


Oct 2011
Keith B. McMullin

O Le Mana o le Perisitua Arona

Oct 2011
W. Christopher Waddell

O Le Avanoa i le Olaga

Oct 2011
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Le Faia i le Ala a le Alii

Oct 2011
Henry B. Eyring

Sauniuniga i le Perisitua: “Ou Te Manaomia Lau Fesoasoani”

Oct 2011
José L. Alonso

Faia o le Mea Sa’o i le Taimi Sa’o, e aunoa ma le Faatuai

Oct 2011
Silvia H. Allred

E Le Uma le Alofa

Oct 2011
Henry B. Eyring

O Se Molimau

Apr 2011
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Lou Tulaga Gafatia, Lou Avanoa

Apr 2011
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Faatalitali i le Auala i Tamaseko

Apr 2011
H. David Burton

O Le Galuega Faapaia a le Uelefea

Apr 2011
Silvia H. Allred

O Le Fatu o le Avea ai ma Soo

Apr 2011
Mary N. Cook

“Ia Manatua le Mea Lenei: O Le Agalelei e Amata Ia te A’u”

Apr 2011
Henry B. Eyring

O Avanoa e Fai Ai Mea Lelei

Apr 2011
Henry B. Eyring

Aoaoina i le Perisitua

Apr 2011
M. Russell Ballard

Mauaina o le Olioli e ala i Auaunaga Alofa


Oct 2010
L. Tom Perry

O Le Perisitua o Arona

Oct 2010
Henry B. Eyring

Auauna atu ma le Agaga

Oct 2010
D. Todd Christofferson

Toe Manatunatuga i se Olaga Faapaiaina

Oct 2010
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

O Le Faamaualuga ma le Perisitua

Oct 2010
Jeffrey R. Holland

Ona o Lo Outou Faatuatua

Apr 2010
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“You Are My Hands”

Apr 2010
Thomas S. Monson

Susū Maia i le Konafesi

Apr 2010
Thomas S. Monson

Preparation Brings Blessings

Apr 2010
Koichi Aoyagi

Helping Hands, Saving Hands


Oct 2009
Thomas S. Monson

What Have I Done for Someone Today?

Oct 2009
Henry B. Eyring

The Enduring Legacy of Relief Society

Oct 2009
Julie B. Beck

Relief Society: A Sacred Work

Oct 2009
Silvia H. Allred

Every Woman Needs Relief Society

Apr 2009
Dallin H. Oaks

Unselfish Service

Apr 2009
Richard C. Edgley

This Is Your Phone Call

Apr 2009
Henry B. Eyring

“Man Down!”

Apr 2009
Barbara Thompson

His Arm Is Sufficient

Apr 2009
Henry B. Eyring



Oct 2008
Thomas S. Monson

Seia Tatou Toe Feiloai

Oct 2008
Jeffrey R. Holland

The Ministry of Angels

Oct 2008
Eduardo Gavarret

Returning Home

Oct 2008
Henry B. Eyring

O Ye That Embark

Oct 2008
Barbara Thompson

Ia Fiafia Tatou

Oct 2008
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Lift Where You Stand

Oct 2008
Keith B. McMullin

God Loves and Helps All of His Children

Oct 2008
Julie B. Beck

Fulfilling the Purpose of Relief Society

Apr 2008
Carlos H. Amado

Service, a Divine Quality

Apr 2008
Henry B. Eyring

Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood

Apr 2008
Thomas S. Monson

Examples of Righteousness

Apr 2008
H. David Burton

And Who Is My Neighbor?


Oct 2004
Bonnie D. Parkin

O Le Avea ma Se Itutino, o Lo Tatou Tofi Paia Lea