undefined undefined Albania: Overview
Church History
Albania: Overview

map of Albania

A History of the Church in



Albania’s Christian history dates back to the early centuries of the Common Era. Islam became another prominent influence on religious life through subsequent long periods of rule under Muslim regimes such as the Ottoman Empire. However, between 1967 and 1985, the Communist-led government of Albania persecuted religious believers. After 1991, the country entered a period of transition away from authoritarian rule and toward a democratic system of government that allowed freedom of religion.

In February 1992, Church humanitarian missionary couples arrived at the University of Tirana. A nucleus of investigators and members formed. On February 2, 1993, the Tirana Branch was organized. In November 1999, local translators had completed work on the Albanian edition of the Book of Mormon. The first meetinghouse was built in Durrës in 2006, and the first stake was established in 2014.

Latter-day Saints have worked to be blessings within their communities, supporting the education of Roma ethnic-minority children, aiding flood victims, and donating blood. They have also organized visual arts exhibitions to capture and share images of beauty and inspiration with the public, helping Zion “increase in beauty, and in holiness,” enlarging her borders, and strengthening her stakes (Doctrine and Covenants 82:14).