“Belarus: Chronology,” Global Histories: Belarus (2019)
“Belarus: Chronology,” Global Histories: Belarus
Belarus: Chronology
1991–92 • BelarusA few Belarusians learned about the Church and wrote to Church leaders for more information. Some Belarusians joined the Church abroad while living in other countries.
January 20, 1993 • Minsk, BelarusKarl and Hanna Borcherding, Latter-day Saints from Germany, arrived in Minsk on assignment from the Church. They began to respond to requests for information about the Church and meet with government officials.
March 1993 • MinskFour young Latter-day Saints serving as missionaries in Ukraine were sent to Belarus as volunteers to offer community service and respond to requests for information.
May 10, 1993 • MinskElder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, accompanied by Elder Hans B. Ringger of the Seventy and Ukraine Kyiv Mission president Howard L. Biddulph, arrived in Minsk. The leaders spoke about the Church at a public meeting attended by about 450 people.
May 11, 1993 • MinskElder Nelson offered a prayer for Belarus and its people at Janka Kupala Park in central Minsk.
November 1993 • MinskBelarusian Latter-day Saints registered a nongovernmental organization known as the Charitable Society “Safia.” The organization began to conduct humanitarian service in Belarus, sponsored by LDS Charities.
January 1994 • MinskThe Church’s first religious community (relihijnaja abščyna), a local religious organization recognized by the government, in Belarus was officially registered in Minsk.
January 14, 1994 • MinskElder Dennis B. Neuenschwander of the Seventy and Ukraine Kyiv Mission president Howard L. Biddulph gave a lecture at Belarusian State University. After the lecture, they, along with branch presidents Yury Ustin and Grigory Komarov, were interviewed by local radio and television stations.
May 18, 1994 • MinskThe Church’s second religious community in Minsk was officially registered
September 1994 • Freiberg, GermanyThe first group of Latter-day Saints from Belarus attended the Freiberg Germany Temple.
May 1995 • BelarusThe BYU Singers performed in Minsk and Maladziečna.
August 20, 1995 • MinskThe Minsk Belarus District, the first district in Belarus, was organized.
1996 • BelarusThe first Russian translation of the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price, published at the end of 1995, became available for Church members in Belarus.
1998 • BelarusYoung volunteers serving with the Charitable Society “Safia” began staging health fairs for school-age children. The fairs featured puppet shows designed to educate children about healthy living and the dangers of smoking and drug use.
December 14, 1999 • BelarusLatter-day Saints in Belarus helped register the International Charitable Public Association (ICPA) “Safia,” which continued the work of the original Charitable Society “Safia” across Belarus.
1999–2000 • BelarusWith the support of the Belarusian government, ICPA “Safia” volunteers John and Shirley Hess helped conduct projects focused on potato farming in cooperation with various nongovernmental organizations.
July 2004 • Samara, RussiaMikhail Davydik was called as the first mission president from Belarus. He and his wife, Elena, were called to the Russia Samara Mission, where they served from 2004 to 2007.
November 27, 2004 • Viciebsk, BelarusThe Church’s first religious community in Viciebsk was officially registered.
November 22, 2005 • Mahilioŭ, BelarusThe Church’s first religious community in Mahilioŭ was officially registered.
May 17, 2008 • MinskThe BYU International Folk Dance Ensemble performed at the Belarusian State Conservatory.
August 28–29, 2010 • Kyiv, UkraineBelarusian Latter-day Saints represented their country at a celebratory concert held on the eve of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple dedication and took part in the dedicatory services the next day.
October 20, 2017 • MinskPresident Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited Minsk. During the visit, he met with national government officials and spoke at a meeting of Belarusian Latter-day Saints.
July 8, 2018 • Minsk
The Minsk Branch began holding meetings in a new meetinghouse in the city.