“Slovakia: Chronology,” Global Histories: Slovakia (2018)
“Slovakia: Chronology,” Global Histories: Slovakia
Slovakia: Chronology
July 24, 1929 • Prague, CzechoslovakiaElder John A. Widtsoe of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated Czechoslovakia for the preaching of the gospel.
August 24, 1939 • CzechoslovakiaMissionaries were evacuated prior to World War II. Josef Roubíček was called as acting mission president.
1946–50 • CzechoslovakiaThe Czechoslovak Mission briefly reopened. On April 6, 1950, government officials banned the Church from all public activity and expelled all foreign missionaries.
1950–89 • CzechoslovakiaNo foreign missionaries were allowed in Czechoslovakia. Church members had only occasional contact with members and leaders outside the country. Beginning in 1975, members used yoga classes to teach the gospel.
November 17–December 29, 1989 • CzechoslovakiaThe nonviolent Velvet Revolution ended Communist rule and began the transition to a parliamentary republic.
May 2, 1990 • CzechoslovakiaMissionaries returned to Czechoslovakia.
July 1, 1990 • PragueThe Czechoslovakia Prague Mission was created with Richard Winder as president.
Fall 1991 • Bratislava, CzechoslovakiaMissionaries began laboring in the capital of Slovakia.
October 1991 • Trenčín, CzechoslovakiaPeter and Hana Václav, the first Slovak members, began holding Church meetings in their home.
January 1, 1993 • SlovakiaCzechoslovakia was divided into the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. With the division, the Church did not maintain official recognition in Slovakia.
January 24, 1993 • TrenčínThe Trenčín Branch, the first branch in Slovakia, was created with Peter Václav as president.
May 1993 • Salt Lake City, UtahCzechTV made a documentary about the Church, which was broadcast in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
July 1999 • BratislavaRudolf Schuster, president of Slovakia, and his wife attended a Church open house and accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon.
May 2005 • BratislavaThe Church formed a committee to seek legal recognition in Slovakia.
April 2006 • SlovakiaThe Prague Czech Mission sent humanitarian missionaries to Slovakia to provide assistance to the poor.
May 12, 2006 • TrenčínElder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated Slovakia for the preaching of the gospel.
September 2006 • SlovakiaThe Church organized a signature drive to gather the 20,000 signatures required to qualify for legal recognition.
October 18, 2006 • Bratislava
The Church received legal recognition in Slovakia.
February 2013 • Salt Lake CityThe Book of Mormon was published in Slovak.
July–August 2013 • SlovakiaThe Czech/Slovak Mission hosted a multination YSA conference at a historic mountain resort in Slovakia.
March 29, 2015 • BratislavaThe Bratislava Slovakia District was organized with Samuel Seidl as president.