Church History
Slovenia: Additional Information

“Slovenia: Additional Information,” Global Histories: Slovenia (2019)

“Slovenia: Additional Information,” Global Histories: Slovenia

Slovenia: Additional Information

  • Cimerman, Dora Glassford. “Faith Rewarded—Grandmother to Meet Grandson.” Church News, Jan. 17, 2008.

  • Gardner, Marvin K. “Albin Lotrič: The Worth of a Soul.” Liahona, Apr. 2001, 42–47.

  • Juhart, Matjaž, comp. Da bi nekega dne to deželo krasili oddelki in koli: spominska knjiga ob 20. obletnici prihoda misijonarjev Cerkve Jezusa Kristusa svetih iz poslednjih dni v Slovenijo [That one day wards and stakes may grace this land: a commemorative book on the 20th anniversary of the arrival of the missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Slovenia]. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010.

  • Lotrič, Albin. Interview by Matthew K. Heiss and Jay Burrup. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Nov. 21, 1998 (oral history). Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

  • Mehr, Kahlile B. Mormon Missionaries Enter Eastern Europe. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 2002.

  • Sowby, Laurie Williams. “The Majc Family: Three Generations Help to Grow the Church in Slovenia.” Church News, Oct. 27, 2017.
