Church History
“I Could Walk and More”

“I Could Walk and More”

In 1975, Felisa Zaldaña Ruíz left her home in Ahuachapán, El Salvador, to make the 4,000-kilometer (2,500-mile) journey to the Mesa Arizona Temple. She and her family joined Saints from Guatemala to drive across Central America and Mexico. On November 3, while they were on the road in Sonora, Mexico, approximately 325 kilometers (200 miles) from their destination and 72 kilometers (45 miles) from the United States-Mexico border, their caravan suffered a tragic accident when a truck passing the other way lost control of its trailer. Felisa fractured her clavicle, a rib, and a bone in her leg.

Felisa was taken to the hospital in nearby Nogales to recover. While she was there, she received a visit and blessing from Church President Spencer W. Kimball. She stayed for two to three weeks before she was able to join her mother and brother at the temple, where she was sealed to her family.

While in Arizona, Felisa also received her patriarchal blessing, which arrived in the mail after she returned home to Ahuachapán. “I read my patriarchal blessing, it really said that I would place my life in the Lord’s service,” Felisa said. The blessing led her to consider serving a mission. She was still uncertain of her decision when, sometime later, a sister missionary asked her if she desired to serve. Felisa was in her mid-30s and still suffering from the debilitating health effects of the automobile accident. “I still can’t go,” she said, “because I cannot walk fast.” The sister missionary talked to her mission president, who then spoke with Felisa. He told her that if she desired to serve, the Lord would assist her. After much prayer, Felisa began to prepare to serve.

Felisa Zaldaña Ruíz

Photograph of Felisa Zaldaña Ruíz, El Salvador.

At 35 years of age, she became the first sister missionary from Ahuachapán, and she served in her home country of El Salvador. Felisa experienced moments on her mission where the Lord protected her, and her health improved. She said, “Going to the temple and having that accident, I thought at that point I would have to stay in a wheelchair, but soon I could walk and more.”

When she had been in the field for only a short time, one of her companions said that if she had not known Felisa had been in an accident, she would not believe it, because she walked fast. Felisa witnessed the fulfilment of the Lord’s promise to his servants that “they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
