Joseph F. Smith’s Testimony
April 1980

“Joseph F. Smith’s Testimony,” Tambuli, Apr. 1980, 39

Sesquicentennial Issue

Joseph F. Smith’s Testimony

“I bear testimony to you, that I have received an assurance which has taken possession of my whole being. It has sunk deep into my heart; it fills every fibre of my soul; so that I say before this people, and would be pleased to have the privilege of saying it before the whole world, that God has revealed to me that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Redeemer of the world … I know, as I live, that this is true, and I bear my testimony to its truth. If it were the last words I should ever say on earth, I would glory before God my Father that I possess this knowledge in my soul … I know that this is the kingdom of God, and that God is at the helm. He presides over his people. He presides over the President of this Church and has done from the Prophet Joseph … and He will continue to preside over the leaders of the Church until the end.” (Forace Green, comp., Testimonies of Our Leaders (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1958), p. 47.)

Jos. F. Smith
