undefined undefined Blessed by a Blessing
Blessed by a Blessing
July 1984

“Blessed by a Blessing,” Tambuli, July 1984, 23

Blessed by a Blessing

The following testimony comes from the journal of my grandfather, James Denos (deceased), whose writings are a constant source of strength to me and my family.

While residing at [Long Beach, California, he wrote], I received a telephone call from Brother Rich. “Jim,” he said, “will you come and administer to my wife? And bring a partner.”

I felt impressed to go alone and use him as my partner, as he held the Melchizedek Priesthood but was not active in the Church and did not keep the Word of Wisdom. When I rang the bell, he answered the door, looked over my shoulder, and said, “Where is your partner?”

I pointed my finger at him and said, “You are my partner.”

“Oh, no, Jim,” he said. “You know I smoke and I drink an occasional glass of beer.”

“I know that,” I said. “When you called awhile ago did you say, ‘I want a perfect man to come and give my wife a blessing’? If you did, I will go home, for I am not perfect.” So I went in and asked him to anoint his wife’s head with oil.

“I don’t know how,” he said.

“I will show you how,” I said.

And so he proceeded to anoint her head, and I gave her a blessing. She recovered the next day.

I had quite a talk with him, and he promised to stop his smoking and drinking. Two weeks went by and I got a call. “Jim,” he said, “I have stopped smoking and I am working on my other problem.”

Two more weeks went by and he called again. “I have overcome my problems completely,” he said.

So I took him to see the bishop for a temple recommend, and the bishop was happy to find him worthy to go to the temple. He and his wife took charge of the temple assignments in the ward and both were faithful workers in the temple. He died in 1969.

I often think back on what would have happened if I had thought he was not worthy to help me bless his wife. If we listen to the promptings of the Spirit, and follow the direction of our leaders, we get results.