Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter
September 1986

“Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter,” Tambuli, Aug.–Sept. 1986, 22

Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter

1. Rise, ye Saints, and temples enter;

Seek the path that leads ahead.

Seal in everlasting circles

All our loved ones, quick and dead.

2. Learn the plan of exaltation;

With His sacred laws comply.

Live to earn in binding cov’nant

Blessings of our God most high.

3. Elohim, thou great designer,

Wilt thou heaven’s pow’rs bestow,

As thy faithful sons and daughters

Serve in temples here below.

Text: Jean L. Kaberry, b. 1918. © 1985 LDS

Music: Robert P. Manookin, b. 1918. © 1985 LDS

D&C 109:13–21

D&C 132:46

Music, Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter
