‘They Twain Shall Be One’: Thoughts on Intimacy in Marriage
June 1987

“‘They Twain Shall Be One’: Thoughts on Intimacy in Marriage,” Tambuli, June 1987, 27

“They Twain Shall Be One”:

Thoughts on Intimacy in Marriage

Many years ago when I was a young missionary and had just received a new companion, we met a Protestant minister who invited us in out of the cold. After exchanging points of view on various topics, he asked us, “And what is the Mormon attitude toward sexuality?”

I choked on my cup of hot chocolate. “Well,” said the minister after a moment of silence, “could you please tell me the Mormon philosophy toward sexuality?” I was speechless. Finally, my companion, realizing that I didn’t have an answer, replied, “Sir, we believe in it.”

It has been more than twenty years since that time. As a marriage counselor and university professor I have been asked the same question by students, friends, professional people, and LDS members and nonmembers alike. And still, I have never found a better answer than the one my young missionary companion gave: “We believe in it.”

We believe in it, knowing of the sorrow that comes from its inappropriate use outside the bonds of marriage. We are acutely aware of the warnings of prophets, past and present. As Alma declared to his son Corianton, “Wickedness never was happiness.” (Alma 41:10.)

But we also believe in the good that comes from appropriate intimacy in marriage. We are well aware of the joy and unity that can come to a married couple when they nurture this part of their relationship.

Yet, in spite of the potential for joy that comes from sexuality in marriage, many couples find their sexual relationship to be a source of frustration and even contention. Indeed, the inability of married couples to intimately relate to each other is one of the major causes of divorce. President Spencer W. Kimball noted that even in our own church, “if you study the divorces, as we have had to do in these past years, you will find there are one, two, three, four reasons. Generally sex is the first. They did not get along sexually. They may not say that in court. They may not even tell that to their attorneys, but that is the reason.” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982, p. 312.)

Mistaken Ideas about Intimacy

How can something so beautiful become a source of so many problems? Part of the difficulty stems from mistaken ideas. Some people believe that sexual intimacy is only a necessary evil by which we have children. Perhaps their parents were too embarrassed to discuss such matters with them. Perhaps their parents were so worried that their children might break the law of chastity that they taught only the negative consequences of sexuality.

Some mistaken ideas come from mistaken interpretations of biblical verses. In Ephesians 5:22 [Eph. 5:22], for example, women are encouraged to “submit” to their husbands. Some have erroneously interpreted this scripture to mean that women are to yield themselves to their husbands even if they do so unwillingly. Under these conditions, intimate expressions would not promote marital oneness.

A Beautiful Power

In reality, however, sexuality is a beautiful power given to mankind from God. President Kimball has observed: “The Bible celebrates sex and its proper use, presenting it as God-created, God-ordained, God-blessed. It makes plain that God himself implanted the physical magnetism between the sexes for two reasons: for the propagation of the human race, and for the expression of that kind of love between man and wife that makes for true oneness. His commandment to the first man and woman to be ‘one flesh’ was as important as his command to ‘be fruitful and multiply.’” (Spencer W. Kimball, quoting Billy Graham, Ensign, May 1974, p. 7.)

It is interesting that the words sex and sexuality do not appear in the scriptures. Instead, the word know is used to refer to the intimate relationship between man and woman. This “knowing” or “becoming acquainted with” is a deeply satisfying aspect of married love. A good marriage can survive without sexuality—when one of the spouses is ill or physically incapacitated, for example. But this intimate aspect of “knowing” each other contributes to the wholeness of the marriage relationship.

An Appropriate Subject of Discussion

Talking together about the physical dimensions of the relationship can help spouses get to know each other physically. Even partners who freely discuss finances, discipline of children, recreational activities, and so forth, often feel uncomfortable discussing this intimate subject. And they sometimes assume that their intimate relationship should just “naturally” work out and that to discuss it means something has gone wrong. This is simply not true. While these intimacies, because of their sacred nature, should not be discussed with friends or other relatives, it is totally appropriate to discuss with a marriage partner.

In this regard, Elder Hugh B. Brown, a twentieth-century Apostle and member of the First Presidency, noted: “Many marriages have been wrecked on the dangerous rocks of ignorant and debased sex behavior, both before and after marriage. Gross ignorance on the part of newlyweds on the subject of the proper place and functioning of sex results in much unhappiness and many broken homes.

“Thousands of young people come to the marriage altar almost illiterate insofar as this basic and fundamental function is concerned. …

“If they who contemplate this most glorifying and intimate of all human relationships [marriage] would seek to qualify for its responsibilities, … if they would frankly discuss the delicate and sanctifying aspects of harmonious sex life which are involved in marriage, … much sorrow, heartbreak, and tragedy could be avoided.” (You and Your Marriage, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1960, pp. 22–23, 73.)

Talking about this intimate relationship—including the emotional feelings that attend it—can go a long way in strengthening a marriage.

An Expression of Love, Commitment, and Unity

Some problems in this aspect of marriage occur when one spouse or the other either unwisely limits its use or uses it inappropriately. Sexuality should be an integral part of loving and giving. Any use which doesn’t include these feelings is improper.

In my work as a marriage counselor, I have found that some couples feel that sexual expression should be restricted to one dimension—reproduction. Yet President Kimball has said: “We know of no directive from the Lord that proper sexual experiences between husbands and wives need be limited totally to the procreation of children.” (Ensign, October 1975, p. 4.) Creating children is an integral and beautiful aspect of marital intimacy. But to use intimacy only for that purpose is to deny its great potential as an expression of love, commitment, and unity.

Misuses of Intimacy

On the other hand, there are couples who seem to feel that the only reason for sexuality is physical gratification. These people become so obsessed with achieving pleasure that the emotion of love is all but forgotten. Still others use sexuality as a weapon or a bargaining tool. This is not only a misuse of a God-given privilege, it shows great selfishness on the part of one or both partners and makes sexuality a destructive rather than a unifying element in marriage.

Lack of information about men’s and women’s sexual expressions and feelings can also cause problems in marriage.

Old Stereotypes

Some people cling to old stereotypes, mistakenly perceiving women as being less sexual than men. Sometimes the image of men and women shown in television, magazines, books, and movies subtly and incorrectly influences our perception of sexuality. Seldom does the media present a balanced, mature, loving marital relationship. Men are often presented as strong, handsome heroes with little commitment and only one desire—sex. Women are portrayed as hopelessly romantic, pragmatically businesslike, or silly, who in any case have one function—that of satisfying man’s one desire. These narrow views deny the individuality of men and women. They ignore the fact that both are children of God, each with hopes, desires, talents, and emotions. When a husband and wife forget this truth and see the other as an object, sexuality can do little or nothing to promote intimacy.

Then there are, of course, physical or psychological problems which can damage this aspect of marriage. A husband or a wife who was sexually abused as a child, for example, may have deep-seated emotional problems. In these cases, it would be appropriate to consult a bishop or qualified counselor for help. And a medical doctor may be able to help with physical problems.

The Need for Christlike Love

One great problem in this, as in all other aspects of marriage, is selfishness. I doubt that there is any human relationship better than marriage to teach us the need for Christlike love—that unqualified and unconditional love that persuades us to think more of another than we think of ourselves. Yet few of us, even those of us in a seemingly good marriage, have learned to do this as well as we could or should.

It’s not always easy to put all other considerations aside and look to our companion to see what his or her needs are and then do our best to fulfill them. Often we do for others what would make us happy if someone would do the same for us. And afterward we wonder why the other person isn’t happy. One great key to success in marriage is to find out what would make our spouse happy and then to find joy in providing that happiness.

Sexual Guardianship

When we see sexuality as a vital part of marital harmony and happiness, it becomes more than something we simply give or receive. I like to think of it as something a husband and wife share responsibility for. It might be called a sexual guardianship.

In the parable of the talents, Jesus taught that we should improve on whatever has been entrusted to our care. (See Matt. 25:14–30.) And in marriage we are often given joint guardianships, such as children, fidelity, and the day-to-day care of family members.

Examples of joint guardianships in marriage are found in the scriptures. In Moses, chapter five [Moses 5], we are given insights into what Adam and Eve did and were accountable for together. In verse one we read,

“Adam began to till the earth, and to have dominion over all the beasts of the field. … And Eve, also, his wife, did labor with him.” Thus, they shared the joint responsibility of work or labor. In sharing other dimensions of life, they also had sexual relationships and bore children together (Moses 5:2); prayed and received inspiration together (Moses 5:4); received commandments together (Moses 5:5); taught their children together (Moses 5:12); and they also mourned together (Moses 5:27).

Paul implies a joint sexual responsibility when he says: “Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

“The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.” (1 Cor. 7:3–4.)

To me, this means that neither the husband nor the wife alone controls the physical relationship. Instead both must be diligent in their commitment to each other. Both must have a nurturing attitude toward the other. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the ways husbands and wives can fulfill their part of this guardianship and better this dimension of their marriage.

To the Husband

A husband needs to spend time with his wife. The two need to have time together to share ideas, to grow and learn together, and to experience joy together. A wife is not going to be too excited about a husband who spends all his time at work, at church meetings, in hobbies that exclude her, or in front of the television or newspaper. A husband who always spends time in ways that exclude his wife communicates to her that she is not very important. Yet his wife should be the most important person in his life.

President Spencer W. Kimball, referring to Doctrine and Covenants 42:22 [D&C 42:22] (“Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else”), said that “the words none else eliminate everyone and everything. The spouse then becomes preeminent in the life of the husband or wife and neither social life nor occupational life nor political life nor any other interest nor person nor thing shall ever take precedence over the companion spouse.” (Miracle of Forgiveness, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969, p. 250.)

If her husband places other things first and is unable to find time to develop intimacy in other parts of his relationship with his wife, she will probably not be very interested in sexual intimacy.

Similarly, a wife may not be interested if she feels her husband is unaware of or doesn’t care about the seemingly small struggles of her life. One wife once commented to me that she wished her husband would “come home from work, look into my eyes, and ask me how I feel, how was my busy day, and then give me a kiss and a long hug.” Most wives deeply appreciate little helps that show their husband is sensitive to their needs. Many have told me of the appreciation they feel when their husbands help around the house or care for the children after a long and hectic day. Other wives appreciate their husband’s help when they are ill, pregnant, or overwhelmed with housework. Little things—thank yous, compliments, and I love yous—are important. When these “little” elements are added to a marriage, sexuality becomes more meaningful and an expression of deep love. Without these “extras,” sexual intimacy can become that which is ultimately satisfying to neither the husband nor the wife.

Wives also enjoy romance. The problem here is that sometimes husbands and wives have a different definition of romance. Many wives include in their definition the time husband and wife spend together doing things they are both interested in. They include expressions of love both verbal and written, or small gifts that have meaning for just the two of them. If the romance in marriage is limited to sexuality, wives may feel more exploited than loved.

One complaint that I have heard many times from wives is that there is little affection in their marriage. In a survey I conducted some time ago, I found that most wives put sexual satisfaction fairly high on their list of what they desired in marriage. But most wives ranked non-sexual intimacy even higher. Many wives told of the satisfaction they feel when they hold hands with their husbands, or sit close together while reading or watching television. A wife also appreciates her husband’s concern for her in the sexual relationship itself.

As a husband learns to find out and meet his wife’s various needs, the love in their marriage and all the expressions of that love will likely improve.

To the Wife

Perhaps the most important thing a wife can do to improve the sexual relationship in her marriage is to realize her husband is also a human being with various needs, hopes, and aspirations. Unfortunately the media blatantly convey the idea that men want only one thing out of a relationship. To adopt this narrow view of men is to do them an injustice. Men, even those who may have mistaken ideas of marital relationships, are still children of God, and treating them as such can only help improve the relationship.

Many of the ideas that apply to husbands also apply to wives. Just as husbands need to find time for their wives, so wives need to find time for their husbands. Some wives spend most of their time at work, caring for the children, or cleaning house. When children are finally in bed at night and parents have a few moments away from them, wives often prefer doing “relaxing” things—watching TV, doing needlework, reading a book, talking on the phone—to spending time with their husbands. If their husbands want to be with them, they are often tired and emotionally unavailable. Men are not likely to appreciate or understand such actions. If the activities of the day really are so tiring that a woman has little time or energy left to develop her relationship with her husband, she and/or the couple together might examine her life carefully, to decide which things can be given up for the good of the most important relationship in which she will ever be involved.

Men also appreciate affection. In some ways, when it comes to affection, men can be as romantic as women. A husband enjoys putting his arms around his wife or kissing her before leaving in the morning. These actions are not necessarily sexual; they are instead his romantic expression of the love he feels for her. If these expressions of affection are continually met with “not now,” he may feel that his wife is indifferent to the love they share. These expressions are to the husband what words of appreciation and kind deeds are to the wife. A wife who rejects them tells her husband she doesn’t really care about him. On the other hand, stopping for a quick hug—or even better, initiating the affectionate action herself does much for deepening the love between her and her husband.

When it comes to sexuality, some wives become very concerned about their “rights,” often speaking of their “right” to say no and yes. But marriage is also a relationship of responsibility and opportunity. In marriage, both partners have the opportunity to give. I believe few wives realize the power they have to help keep their husbands near them physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. On the other hand, I also believe few wives sense the degree of frustration and alienation husbands feel when a wife ignores his needs and interests. I believe a wise and loving Heavenly Father has given a wife the ability to achieve oneness with her husband. (See Gen. 2:24.) The key is unselfishness. As she seeks to fulfill her husband’s needs, their marriage improves.

Elder Parley P. Pratt once noted that “our natural affections are planted in us by the Spirit of God, for a wise purpose; and they are the very main-springs of life and happiness—they are the cement of all virtuous and heavenly society.

“The fact is, God made man, male and female; he planted in their bosoms those affections which are calculated to promote their happiness and union.” (Parker Pratt Robison, ed., Writings of Parley Parker Pratt, Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1952, pp. 52–53.) As husbands and wives learn to give freely of themselves and to understand the real needs and desires of the other, these natural affections will grow until they do indeed “promote their happiness and union.”


Illustrated by Kay Stevenson
