Sharing Time: Search the Scriptures
February 1989

“Sharing Time: Search the Scriptures,” Tambuli, Feb. 1989, 4

Sharing Time:

Search the Scriptures

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost (Moro. 10:4).

Do you know the names of the fifteen books in the Book of Mormon? Could you put them in the right order? Do you know how to find a particular story in the Book of Mormon? This activity will help you to find where each book is in the Book of Mormon and to search for and find a particular story.

Sometimes we use another kind of searching to find an answer to a question. Moroni spoke about this kind of searching. His promise in Moroni 10:3–5 tells us that as we read and search to find truth, the Holy Ghost will give us the feeling that what we are reading is true.


Cut out each book title.

book title cards

2. Look at the Table of Contents in the Book of Mormon and arrange the titles in the correct order.

3. Use the Index to find the names and stories listed below. Then write each name under the book title where the story about that person is found. Note: In the Index the name of the book where each story is found is printed in dark lettering before the story is mentioned.



Alma, first chief judge

He becomes helpless and unable to speak.

Ammon, son of Mosiah

He saves the king’s flocks.

Mormon, abridged the records

He wrote a letter concerning the baptism of little children.

Moroni, last of Nephites

He is commanded to seal the records with the interpreters.

Samuel, Lamanite prophet

Many try to kill him.

Placement of stories

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Have each child make his or her own Book of Mormon storybook. Write the title for each book on a separate page. Then have children write, in their own words, stories of people they learn about in each book.

  2. Share stories of answers to prayers that came through reading scriptures. Discuss ideas that one way we speak to God is through prayer and that one way He talks to us is through scriptures.

  3. Make a chart that shows when the Book of Mormon prophets lived, from the first prophet to the last.

  • Alma, first chief judge, is found in Mosiah; Ammon, son of Mosiah, in Alma; Mormon, abridged the records, in Moroni; Moroni, last of the Nephites, in Ether; Samuel, Lamanite prophet, in Helaman.

Illustrated by LaFarne Holz