undefined undefined Comment
March 1991

“Comment,” Tambuli, Mar. 1991, 1


Beautiful Spirit

I want to share with you my joy at the beautiful spirit I felt reading the May 1990 Liahona (Spanish). I especially enjoyed “We Are Very Blessed,” about the Yefi family in Chile. I felt a great love for the family despite the distance between us. I thank them for their beautiful example of faith and love for the Lord’s work.

Other articles that affected me profoundly included the one about the Davis family in Utah and their desire to share the gospel with the Kereszti family in Hungary (“Getting Things Started”); the Moreiras brothers in Portugal (“Brotherly Love”); and … well, they are all very special! Perhaps I feel so strongly about the issue because it is missionary-oriented and my husband has been called as president of the Venezuela Caracas Mission.

We have always used the Liahona as a missionary tool and given it as a gift to friends who are investigating the Church. They accept it and read it with much interest and joy.

In the sixteen years we have been members of the Church, I have been collecting the Liahona. I congratulate you for your great effort, and I look forward to future issues.

Estela de Hoffman
Naguanagua Ward
Valencia Venezuela Stake

Set a Goal

I was prompted to write this letter by something that just happened to me. I was reading the Liahona (Spanish) when I came to the final article of the issue. It did not appear to be very important, but I decided that with nothing else to do, I should read it. When I finished, I felt inspired to write and thank you for the strength that I receive from the magazine.

My mother, my brother, and I are the only members of the Church in our family. I was baptized in January 1989. Our testimonies have been strengthened by reading the inspired messages of the First Presidency, and the other articles in the magazine.

I am seventeen years old, and I have never before written a letter to anyone, not even my relatives and missionary friends. Now I have set a goal to write to all my friends and relatives. That proves the magazine has a positive effect on me.

Daniel Castilla Ortiz
Col. Zaragoza Carlos A.C.
Veracruz, Mexico

Breaking Barriers

For a long time now I have wanted to congratulate you and thank you for the magnificent work you do.

We live in Canada, but our native language is Spanish. For that reason we wait anxiously every month for the arrival of the Liahona (Spanish) to our home.

The Liahona has helped our testimonies grow and has helped our lives in general. It has broken barriers in a spectacular way and united us with our brothers and sisters in the gospel from all over the world.

Mayra Lizbeth Monzon Mora
Burnaby Ward
Vancouver Canada Stake