“Sharing Time: Ears to Hear,” Tambuli, Mar. 1991, 10
Sharing Time:
Ears to Hear
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren … and will put my words in his mouth (Deut. 18:18).
Have your parents ever suggested that you do something that you didn’t want to do? “Matthew, it’s your turn to do the dishes,” or “Jessica, it’s time for you to go to bed.” Even though you probably heard them, you may have pretended that you didn’t, or you may have just ignored them.
God’s prophets have always told people the things that Heavenly Father wants them to do to be protected and to live happy lives. But often the people haven’t had ears to hear. That doesn’t mean that they don’t really have ears; it means that they haven’t wanted to listen and obey what the prophets have said.
In Matthew 11:15, we read, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” When the prophet Noah told the people of his day to repent, only his family had ears to hear. They boarded the ark and were saved from the flood. When the prophet Lehi told the people in Jerusalem that their city would soon be destroyed and that they needed to repent to be saved, most of them didn’t listen. Instead, they were angry with him and mocked him. Lehi’s family, however, had ears to hear, and they were led away to safety. When the prophet Abinadi preached repentance to King Noah and his priests, Alma was the only one who had ears to hear. He repented of his sins and lived a righteous, happy life.
At general conference and at other times, our prophets tell us important things that Heavenly Father wants us to do to solve the problems and accept the challenges that we have today. Just like those who listened to the prophets of old, we need to have ears to hear what the living prophet tells us. When we listen to the prophet and follow his counsel, we can lead righteous, happy lives.
On the next page is a poster with several statements given to us by our living prophet, President Ezra Taft Benson, to guide and direct us today. Color the border. Carefully remove the magazine page and mount it on heavy paper. Punch holes in the circles, then lace the poster with yarn, string, or narrow ribbon. Tie a bow at the top of the poster, and hang it in a place where you can read it often.
Girls—be prepared for missionary service if you are called. Learn important homemaking skills.
Avoid books, magazines, videos, movies and TV shows that are inappropriate. Listen to good music; read good books; watch uplifting videos, movies, and TV programs.
Boys—plan on serving a full-time mission.
Pray to Heavenly Father every day.
Attend sacrament meeting and Primary.
Be a good citizen.
Keep the Sabbath day holy.
Learn from the Book of Mormon and other scriptures every day.
Live the Word of Wisdom.
Work diligently on your schoolwork.
Dress modestly.
Honor your father and mother.
Be honest.
Adapted from an April 1989 annual general conference address. See Friend, June 1989, pages 2–5.
Sharing Time Ideas
Provide the older children with recent conference addresses of the prophet, and have them list the guidance that he gave. Discuss the prophet’s counsel and what children can do to follow it.
Play games that require the children to listen and obey directions from the leader. Discuss the difference between following these kinds of directions and following the directions of a prophet.
Divide into groups and have each one dramatize a story about a prophet who preached to people who would not hear.
Divide the children into groups and find scripture references about ears that do or do not hear. Read the scriptures to each other.
Sing songs about following the prophet.