undefined undefined Alma and Nehor
Alma and Nehor
August 1992

“Alma and Nehor,” Tambuli, Aug. 1992, 2

Alma and Nehor

Alma the Younger became chief judge

Before King Mosiah died, the Nephites chose judges to lead them. Alma the Younger became the chief judge. He was also the leader of the Church. Mosiah 29:41–42, 46

Nehor taught lies

A large, strong man named Nehor went about teaching lies. He said that everyone would be saved, whether they were good or bad. Alma 1:2–6

Gideon tried to stop him

When Nehor preached against God’s church, a righteous man named Gideon stepped forward to defend it. Nehor argued with Gideon. Alma 1:7–8

Nehor killed Gideon

Because Gideon answered him with the words of God, Nehor drew his sword and killed Gideon. Alma 1:9

Nehor appeared before Alma

Nehor was brought before Alma to be judged. Nehor boldly defended himself. Alma 1:10–11

Nehor guilty of trying to destroy the people

But Alma said that Nehor was guilty of trying to destroy the people by teaching them to be wicked and of killing Gideon, a righteous man. Alma 1:12–13

He must die

Alma said that Nehor must be punished for killing Gideon. According to the law, Nehor must die. Alma 1:14

Nehor was killed

Nehor was taken to a nearby hill and put to death. But many people remembered the evil teachings of Nehor. Alma 1:15–16

Many would not obey the commandments

These people loved the riches of the world and would not obey God’s commandments. They made fun of Church members and argued and fought with them. Alma 1:19–20, 22

The righteous followed the commandments

The righteous people continued to obey the commandments. They did not complain even when they were hurt by Nehor’s followers. Alma 1:25

They cared for the poor

They shared with the poor and cared for the sick. They were blessed because they obeyed the commandments of God. Alma 1:27–31

Illustrated by Jerry Thompson