Scripture Threes
August 1992

“Scripture Threes,” Tambuli, Aug. 1992, 10

Scripture Threes

After consulting the scripture references, complete the statements.

  1. Hel 14:20. Samuel the Lamanite prophesied that there would be three days of darkness after Christ’s _____________.

  2. Jonah 1:17. Jonah was swallowed by a “great fish” and spent three days and three nights in the _____________ of the fish.

  3. First article of faith [A of F 1:1]. There are three members of the Godhead: _____________ the Eternal Father; His son, _____________ _____________ ; and the _____________ _____________.

  4. 2 Ne. 25:13. Jesus Christ arose from the dead after three _____________.

  5. Matt. 26:34. On the eve of his death, Jesus told Peter, “Before the cock crow, thou shalt _____________ me thrice.

  6. 3 Ne. 28:1–9. The Three _____________ have remained on earth to minister among men and will never taste of death.

  7. Alma 36:9–10. After an angel told Alma to “seek no more to destroy the church of God,” Alma fell to the earth, and for three days and three nights he could not open his _____________.

  8. 3 Ne. 28:1. 12–21. Three of Jesus’ Nephite disciples were cast into a _____________ three times but were not harmed.

  9. D&C 6:28. “In the mouth of two or three _____________ shall every word be established.”

  10. 3 Ne. 26:13. After his resurrection, Christ _____________ the Nephites for three days.


  • (1) death, (2) belly, (3) God, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, (4) days, (5) deny, (6) Nephites, (7) mouth, (8) furnace, (9) witnesses, (10) taught.
