undefined undefined Comment
November 1992

“Comment,” Tambuli, Nov. 1992, 1


It Talks to Me

As I read President Thomas S. Monson’s article, “My Personal Hall of Fame,” in O Le Liahona (Samoan), I felt as if he were talking directly to me, and it brought tears to my eyes. So I thank you and our leaders for carrying their messages and articles in the magazine each month.

O Le Liahona has been a compass for my life, just as the Liahona was for Lehi and his family. As the Liahona worked whenever Lehi’s family had faith, so it is with O Le Liahona magazine when we have faith.

I always look forward eagerly to the arrival of O Le Liahona each month to talk to me, to be a guide and companion.

Aleni Saulo Fuatimau
Satapuala Ward, Upolu Samoa West Stake

Small Miracle

We are an Argentine family, members of the Church, who have lived in Switzerland for the past three years. Every month we receive L’Etoile (French) and also the Liahona (Spanish), complete with local news.

In 1963 I served a two-year mission in Argentina. My last area was the Mar del Plata Branch, where I met many good brothers and sisters.

Since I literally devour the magazines by reading them cover to cover, I found the name of a sister I know from that branch among the Church Public Relations representatives in stakes and districts. I hadn’t heard anything about this sister for twenty-six years.

I told my wife, “I must get in touch with Sister Marta Macri.” So I sent a letter to the address I had for that branch (today there is a stake there) and—here’s the miracle—I received a letter from 16,000 kilometers away.

This sister told me she had been inactive for almost eighteen years before she returned to the Church. She told me about people I knew who were good friends. What a blessing the Liahona is! This was a testimony to me of how we can keep friends in spite of time and distance. Thank you for this special publication.

Miguel Angel Matteazzi
Geneva Lac Ward, Geneva Switzerland Stake

Spiritual Nourishment

I want to express my deepest thanks to the whole staff of Tambuli for their untiring efforts in making every issue a special spiritual experience.

The March 1992 issue centering on the roles, achievements, and needs of sisters from around the world has to be one of the best issues. With every turn of a page there is something new to ponder. I feel as though the Holy Ghost is sending messages directly to my heart. What a great impact! It’s as if you knew just what I wanted.

Do continue to publish true-life experiences. Just knowing that there are people who care enough to share their wonderful conversion stories makes me feel loved.

I pray that you will be able to touch more lives for the good.

Karen J. Borjal
Marikina Second Ward, Marikina Philippines Stake