Questions and Answers
March 1993

“Questions and Answers,” Tambuli, Mar. 1993, 21

Questions and Answers

Answers are intended for help and perspective, not as pronouncements of Church doctrine.

“I have a real problem with procrastination. I leave assignments unfinished, goals unmet, and promises unkept just because I don’t start things on time. I don’t mean to let people down. I just can’t seem to make myself get going. What can I do?”

Our Answer:

Procrastination is a habit that can be broken. First, you have to make the decision to change. Next, take the problem to your Heavenly Father. If you pray sincerely, he will give you the guidance and support you need to make the change. Then act on what you need to accomplish.

Here are some suggestions you might find helpful:

  • Make a daily list of projects and check them off as you finish each one. Be sure to write down assignments when you get them. Carrying a small calendar might be helpful.

  • Start with your most difficult task, or the one you like the least. The rest of your work will seem easy by comparison.

  • Break down large and intimidating projects into smaller ones. Then do each one step by step.

  • Reward yourself when you follow through with your projects. After you’ve completed an especially difficult project, schedule some time to relax.

  • Make a game of finishing difficult or unpleasant tasks. Tell yourself, “I will work as hard as I can for twenty minutes.” When you stay focused on finishing something quickly, you’ll get more done.

  • Remove distractions from your workplace. Keep food, televisions, magazines, telephones, and other temptations out of your way.

  • Don’t procrastinate because you are afraid your project won’t be perfect. It is better to meet deadlines by making your best effort—even if the results aren’t perfect.

  • Set realistic goals for yourself, and remember to be flexible.

  • Don’t accept more projects and assignments than you can handle. If you agree to do something, do everything you can to follow through. Don’t say yes to someone if you have no intention of following through with the task.

  • Set priorities and pace yourself.

  • Make the commitment to change your habit of procrastination. The Apostle Paul counseled, “Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily” (Col. 3:23). Put enthusiasm into the many tasks you have to face and carry them out with a happy attitude. You don’t need to plan every minute of the day. Allow yourself free time and some fun, too.

Readers’ Answers:

When you receive a calling or assignment, start right away to fulfill your responsibilities. As you carefully plan what needs to be done and are consistent in following up, you will have success.

There is nothing better than the feeling that comes from correctly completing an assignment. Your conscience will be light and free, and you will feel truly blessed. It will help you to complete all of your challenges—whether temporal or spiritual.

Marlene Alves de Almeida, 31
Cordeiro Ward, Southwest Stake
Recife, Brazil

Sometimes it is hard for me to motivate myself into doing the assignments that I have been given. When I fail, I always tell myself that in the future I will begin working as soon as I receive the assignment. Invariably, I make the same mistakes over and over again. However, I realize that our Heavenly Father can’t help us until we put forth an effort to start.

If I start the assignment, no matter how little I do or how uninspired I feel, I know that my Heavenly Father will help me. I plan the steps I need to accomplish my assignment and set time limits to finish each step, trying not to fall behind on my plan. As i get involved in my assignment, the Lord inspires me. The greater my desire is to accomplish the assignment, the greater I feel about my efforts.

Remember that when you procrastinate, you are only being selfish. “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

Masami Ohta, 19
Nonami Branch, Nagoya Stake
Nagoya, Japan

Idleness is a serious weakness that can impede our progress. Sometimes I procrastinate because I would rather watch television or do nothing than do my work. Our Heavenly Father loves us and gives us more opportunities to improve and change our bad habits.

As I pray for guidance from the Holy Ghost, I am able to plan my time better and keep track of what I personally can accomplish. I try to plan with a purpose and have found that as I become more organized, I am able to do all I need to do, and in less time.

Rosa Beatriz Pérez Baudino, 19
Los Laureles Ward, Ciudad Ojeda Stake
Cabimas, Venezuela

Each day I write down everything I need to do and number the items in order of importance. During the day I cross them off as I complete them, and though I never finish my list, I feel successful because everything I started, I finished.

Sandra Berger
Bielefeld Branch, Hannover Stake
Hannover, Germany

I had a real problem with procrastination. One day, I went to a quiet place alone and reflected on how I felt about myself and how God felt about me. I thought about all the things I hadn’t done, and I felt totally discouraged.

Then I knelt and prayed to Heavenly Father, and I asked him to forgive me and give me the strength to do better. Little by little I have felt a change for good in my life. I have come to allow myself spiritual time to meditate on my responsibilities. Such time helps me to keep focused on what is important in my life and not worry about other things. I have developed faith in myself as I have come to know that I am a daughter of God and that he cares for me.

Maria Veronica V. Basilio, 16
Tagig Ward, Pasig Stake
Manila, Philippines

I had a problem with procrastination before I found the Church. I didn’t complete anything, because I wanted to do twenty things at once and set goals that were unreachable. Little by little I have tried to do fewer things but do them well. Now I am able to finish everything I start—and I can see improvement, because I have learned how to prepare myself better.

Carmen Cantos
Jaén Ward, Malaga Spain District
Jaén, Spain

There’s a saying, “Laziness is the thief of eternal life.” Sometimes I get lazy, but I remember that I am a child of God and that he is always with me so I can improve. I am engaged in his great eternal plan. This motivates me to do better.

O Un-ju, 18
Son Hwa Ward, Chong-ju Stake
Taejon, Korea

We do not know when our last day on earth will be, so we need to prepare now by living the way the Lord would have us live. When we procrastinate, we often don’t feel the Lord’s influence as strongly as we could have in our lives.

Paula Folau ‘Alovili
Auckland, New Zealand

I used to feel terrible for not fulfilling my assignments at school, at work, and in the Church. One day I was thinking about how much and why I procrastinated, and I recognized that I was putting unimportant things ahead of the things that I should have been doing. I felt guilty all the time for not doing my best, and that was why I had feelings of unhappiness and depression.

As I meditated on my feelings of inadequacy, I tried to imagine myself as the daughter of God that I had been created to become. I pictured all the things I could do, and a feeling of love and peace came over my heart. I realized the importance of being a daughter of God and discovered that I was lacking confidence in myself and the determination to accomplish my goals. I knew that Heavenly Father loved me very much and wanted me to do better. I began to change, and now I know that nothing is impossible for me to do, if I will work at it.

We need to have confidence in ourselves, our potential, and our talents—and to value ourselves that way the Lord values each of us. If each one of us can catch the vision of our eternal potential, we will be motivated by that vision to do great things with our lives.

Rita David, 19
Aguanambi Ward, Fortaleza Stake
Fortaleza, Brazil

I am grateful to the leaders of the Church who have asked us to keep journals. Every evening I record what I have done during the day. This helps me make an accounting of my stewardship and reflect on what I can do better. Before I go to bed, I ask Heavenly Father to help me to set correct goals and fulfill them. I feel that I am more focused and try harder to reach my goals when I write them down.

Elder Jörg Fischer, 23
Nürnberg Branch, Nürnberg Stake
Munich Germany Mission

Photograph by Craig Moyer
