undefined undefined Comment
May 1993

“Comment,” Tambuli, May 1993, 1


Strengthened by My Sisters

I want to congratulate the Liahona (Spanish) on the wonderful March 1992 issue, commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Relief Society.

I felt a wonderful feeling of sisterhood as I read about sisters all over the world who serve Heavenly Father’s children with charity. It strengthens me to know that all Latter-day Saints are one big family. The Liahona helps unite us.

Sonia Bellorin
San Felipe First Ward
San Felipe, Venezuela

A Shared Blessing

Our stake president extended an inspired challenge. He told the members of the stake that if we wanted to have the influence of the gospel present in all of our homes, especially the homes of less-active members, we needed to read the Liahona (Spanish) magazine.

He encouraged each family to get their own subscription. Once the active members had subscriptions, they prayed for guidance to find other families to help. Each family found a less-active family to buy a gift subscription for. Now some of the wards have 100 percent of the families subscribing.

The wonderful part of this challenge is the blessing the Liahona has been in reactivating less-active members. The spirit in our meetings has also increased. When we share what we have with everyone around us, we all receive the blessing of being more sensitive to the Spirit. Thank you for a testimony-building magazine.

William Mimbela
Lima Peru Central Stake
Lima, Peru

Close to Home

Your story about Sister Crisanta Juan, in the March 1992 issue of Tambuli (English), was great. It was so interesting to read about another Philippine sister like me. She showed courage, exemplary faith, and testimony by giving up material comfort to do the Lord’s will. With the economic challenges that face all Filipinos, I am glad to know there are some Sister Juans in the Church—I hope there are many more. I am proud of her.

Cielito Maria Osumo
Manila, Philippines