April 1994

“Comment,” Tambuli, Apr. 1994, 1


Reading and Sharing

I want to thank you for the Liahona (Spanish) and for all the love and wisdom it contains. Every month, I read the magazine with enthusiasm.

I have been a member of the Church for almost twenty years. I was among the less active for a while, but now I have returned to full activity thanks to two wonderful missionaries. They baptized four of my eight children.

Our ward meetinghouse is some distance away from the town where I live, and it wasn’t always easy to get to sacrament service. So I cleaned out my garage and offered it as a meetinghouse for the local members. We now have a branch, with between thirty and forty people attending sacrament service each week.

Thanks again for helping us to progress, and for a magazine we can share with our friends.

Mariá Virginia Giménez de Laurino
Saladillo Ward, Rosario Argentina Stake

The Lord Blesses Me

As an older sister in my eighties, I am so thankful for the gospel message that came into my life in 1977, when missionaries visited my home. In comparing the teachings of the Book of Mormon with the teachings of the Bible, I could find only that which gladdened my heart.

I have great reason to thank my Heavenly Father for all his goodness to me in sending the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, to teach me all things. (See John 14:26.)

I especially appreciate Lys over Norge (Norwegian). I enjoy reading the testimonies of Saints from around the world.

Helene Olsen
Fredrikstad Ward, Oslo Norway Stake

The Realities of Marriage

Thanks to Melvin L. Prueitt for the wise counsel he gave in his February 1993 article, “Your Partner’s Happiness.” He helped me understand some of the realities of my married life for the first time and gave me the motivation to make a new start.

Issue after issue, the Liahona (Spanish) guides me along the road to conversion. The examples of gospel living contained within its pages are always a source of inspiration.

Estanislao Luna Sánchez
Perú Air Force
Chiclayo, Perú

Not Boring

The Liahona (Spanish) is a great help to each one of us.

I am sixteen years old, and some people consider me a bore because I spend so much of my time reading the scriptures and other Church publications. But I feel great about it. They really edify me and help me in my life.

Thanks for the May 1993 article, “A Starring Role,” about Becki Jackson, the young lady who refused to sing suggestive lyrics in a school musical production. Her example is going to help me a lot.

Ana Eluvia Lima Orellana
Utatlán Guatemala Stake
