Fiction for Little Friends: Abby’s Day
August 1994

“Fiction for Little Friends: Abby’s Day,” Tambuli, Aug. 1994, 12

Fiction for Little Friends:

Abby’s Day

Today is going to be a perfect day—an Abby Day! Abby thought as she skipped into the sunny kitchen.

“What would you like for breakfast, dear?” asked Mama.

Abby thought it would be nice to have strawberry ripple ice cream. But she was sure that Mama would shake her head and sigh, “Oh, Abigail.” So instead, she said, “I’d like oatmeal with raisins and a little brown sugar.”

“All right, Abby. It will only take a minute.” Mama smiled at her.

Then, when Papa offered Abby orange juice or apple juice, Abby said she would like orange juice, please, and was glad that she’d remembered to be polite.

Breakfast was delicious. When she finished, Abby took her bowl, spoon, and glass to the sink. “Here, Papa. I’m finished.”

He smiled at Abby as he took her things. “Thank you, Abby,” he said. “What a big help you are.”

Abby went into the family room. Mama was sitting on the floor, surrounded by scraps of material. Each little pile was a different color or pattern. They were so beautiful that Abby wanted to grab all the piles and throw them up into the air. She imagined the bright colors and pretty patterns fluttering down like butterflies. But the last time she had done that, Mama had cried, “Oh no, Abigail!” so she knelt down next to Mama and asked, “What can I do to help?”

Mama hugged her. “Can you help me choose some pretty pieces for a quilt for Aunt Lisa?” Abby was glad that she could help.

When Mama went to help Papa for a minute, Abby noticed how the fluffy quilt batting looked just like a bouncy cotton cloud waiting for someone to jump into it. Then she thought it looked more like new-fallen snow, and she imagined being the first one to walk through it.

They were wonderful thoughts, but Abby wouldn’t like the sad “Ab-i-gail” Mama would say if she did walk on the quilt batting. And it was Abby Day, so she sat still and waited for Mama to return.

Soon Mama came back and said, “Thank you for waiting so patiently, Abby. Papa is going out to the barn now. Would you like to go with him?”

“Yes!” Then, because it was Abby Day, she remembered to get her coat and hat without being asked. Usually Abby squirmed a lot when Mama put on her coat. But today Abby wiggled only a little while Mama buttoned the top button. “There,” Mama said, “all done.”

It was cold as Papa and Abby walked down the driveway to the barn. “Will it snow, Papa?” Abby asked.

“Soon. Maybe today.”

Most of the leaves were off the trees, and Abby ran to pick up an armful of them. She threw them up as high as she could. “Look, Papa—it’s snowing leaves!” She started to run across the yard, then stopped and asked, “Can we run, Papa?” She knew that if she ran too far ahead, Papa would call, “Wait for me, Abigail!” But today Papa said, “Sure, Abby,” and he raced her to the barn.

Papa and Abby finished their work in the barn just as it began to snow. They went into the kitchen, where it was warm. Mama fixed hot chocolate, and it tasted just right and made Abby feel warm. Abby had an even warmer feeling inside as she thought about how she had made the day an Abby Day.

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki
