November 1994

“Comment,” Tambuli, Nov. 1994, 1


Words of the Prophets

How wonderful it is to receive the Liahona (Spanish) and to have the words of our modern Apostles and prophets in this beautiful magazine. I am grateful for those who make this publication possible. I know that it brings us guidance from our Heavenly Father through his prophets, seers, and revelators. It has helped me on many occasions by telling of experiences that serve as examples for me. It helps us better understand our mission in this life and is one more way to get close to our Lord.

Juan Domingo Tablares Aliaga
Satélite North Ward, El Alto Bolivia Satélite Stake

Constant Comfort

A constant reader, I am writing to express my feelings of happiness and satisfaction with A Liahona (Portuguese). The articles always bring me comfort just when I need it. I particularly appreciate the inspired messages of the First Presidency. It is also good to read of other Saints and know that the Church is growing and that we are not alone in the testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Cargarde Lopes Barboa
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Receiving Strength in Haiti

I cannot express how great my joy is in writing to you. I am a regular subscriber of L’Étoile (French), and I have often read of events from countries all over the world. I take this occasion to send greetings from the Mormons in the St. Marc (Haiti) Branch. Quite a number of us subscribe every year.

I have been a member of the Church for 10 years. Since I joined, I have remained an active Mormon despite many difficulties. In my role now as branch president, I find great joy in serving the Lord, especially in my association with the magnificent youth in my branch. For me, L’Étoile is a source of strength and spiritual support, and it carries beneficial messages.

Julien Osmick
St. Marc Branch, Haiti Port-au-Prince North District

Strength From Examples

I have always wanted to express my feelings about the magazine A Liahona (Portuguese). It is wonderful. It strengthens and teaches me by examples of members of the Church in other countries. The edifying messages of the prophets and leaders give me knowledge, confidence, and testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. In my family meetings I select messages that help us reconfirm our covenants with the Savior. The magazine always brings messages that can change for good the behavior and thoughts about the gospel of people of the entire world.

Olga Estella Justy de Freitas Padilha
Alvorada Branch, Fortaleza Brazil Stake
