Sharing the Gospel in Yap
February 1995

“Sharing the Gospel in Yap,” Tambuli, Feb. 1995, 23

Sharing the Gospel in Yap

Yap is about 532 miles southeast of Guam, has an area of 39.1 square miles, and has a total population of nearly 9,350. The Church is growing rapidly there, and the LDS youth have a reputation for not smoking, drinking, taking drugs, or chewing betel nut, a drug-like substance that stains the teeth and harms the body. The LDS youth are also noted for breaking down the island’s rigid caste system. Everyone at church is treated like a child of God, regardless of family status.

Recently, the young men and women of the Yap District (Micronesia Guam Mission) got together for a “One-Day Mission,” under the direction of the mission and district presidents.

They started the day by reciting by memory 1 Nephi 3:7 [1 Ne. 3:7] (“I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded …”). Then they sang “Called to Serve,” were divided into companionships, and received training. Two by two, they went out to preach the gospel, carrying copies of the Book of Mormon with them.

They found some opposition—it rained throughout the day, and some people they met were unpleasant or threatening. But nothing stopped them.

As a result, 49 copies of the Book of Mormon were distributed on this tiny island. And the youth brought back many referrals for the full-time missionaries. Already some convert baptisms have resulted from these referrals.

The day ended with a testimony meeting. “My companion and I prayed to our Heavenly Father for the Spirit,” said Rebecca K. Buchun, “and with his help we were able to give out two copies of the Book of Mormon. It was a great experience. I would like to do it again someday by serving as a full-time missionary.”

“This day was the happiest day of my life, because my companion and I gave out 10 copies of the Book of Mormon,” said Ambrose Tuwun. “I now know how missionaries feel when they go out to do the Lord’s work.”
