Reminders of Christ
April 1995

“Reminders of Christ,” Liahona, Apr. 1995, 45

Reminders of Christ

“All things are created and made to bear record of me” (Moses 6:63). Many things, both in the scriptures and in our lives today, symbolize Christ and his sacrifice. See if you can identify how these pictures relate to him.


Illustrated by Robert T. Barrett


  1. Baptism symbolizes, among other things, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Also, when we are baptized we promise to begin a new life, following him (Rom. 6:3–4).

  2. The bread and water of the sacrament represent the body and blood of Christ and help us remember his atonement for our sins. When we take the sacrament, we also renew the covenants we made with him at baptism (Moro. 4:3; Moro. 5:2).

  3. The brass serpent Moses raised in the wilderness to heal all who would look on it tells us that we must look to Christ for a remission of our sins (John 3:14–15; Hel. 8:14–15; Alma 33:19–22).

  4. The three days Jonah spent in the belly of “a great fish” are meant to remind us of the three days between Christ’s death and resurrection (Jonah 1:17; Mark 9:31).

  5. Jesus is known as the Lamb of God. Also, the sacrifices the Israelites made as part of the Law of Moses—male firstlings of the flock, without blemish—represent Heavenly Father’s sacrifice of his Son (Ex. 12:5; Moses 5:7).

  6. The gift of manna to the Israelites teaches that we do not live by bread alone, but by the words of Christ, who is “the bread of life” (Deut. 8:3; John 6:35).

  7. Many prophets compare Christ with a rock or stone, as in “the rock [or foundation] of our salvation.” All buildings have a cornerstone, and Christ is the cornerstone of our church and of our faith (Eph. 2:20).

  8. Just as the Liahona directed Lehi and his family to the promised land, the words of Christ will lead us to a land of promise (1 Ne. 16:10, 26–29).

  9. By observing the Sabbath day on Sunday, we remember that Christ was resurrected on the first day of the week, and we dedicate that day to him (John 20:1; D&C 59:9–10).

  10. Light reminds us that the Savior is the “light of the world” (John 9:5).

  11. Water suggests that Christ is like living water, “springing up unto everlasting life” (D&C 63:23).

  12. Christ used a bridegroom to represent himself in the parable of the ten virgins. He was making a point about preparing and being ready for the day the Lord returns (Matt. 25:1–13).
