undefined undefined Special Witnesses
Special Witnesses
April 1995

“Special Witnesses,” Liahona, Apr. 1995, 8

Special Witnesses

The First Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve Apostles are special witnesses who know by personal revelation that Jesus is the Christ. They all have a sacred responsibility to bear their testimonies to the whole world. We sustain all of these Brethren as prophets, seers, and revelators.

Howard W. Hunter

I know that God lives, that Jesus is his Only Begotten Son, the Savior of the world. I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ. He is at its head (Ensign, November 1992, page 97).

Gordon B. Hinckley

Of His divinity and reality I bear solemn witness. He is the Lamb without blemish who was offered for the sins of the world. … He is my Teacher, my Exemplar, my Friend, and my Savior (Ensign, November 1992, page 52).

Thomas S. Monson

He is the literal Savior of the World, the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, the Holy One of Israel, even the risen Lord. … As His witness I testify to you that He lives (Ensign, May 1988, page 56).

Boyd K. Packer

He is our Redeemer. Of him I bear witness—Jesus Christ the son of God, the Only Begotten of the Father, who sacrificed himself that we might be clean (Ensign, November 1990, page 86).

L. Tom Perry

This is the Lord’s work in which we are engaged. God lives! Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world, is my solemn witness to you (Ensign, May 1990, page 20).

David B. Haight

God our Father lives, as does His son, Jesus the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. I am a grateful recipient of His healing power and love. This is His work (Ensign, November 1990, page 61).

James E. Faust

I testify, as one of His humble servants called to be His special witness, that He lives. I witness from the depths of my soul that … if we are faithful, we can be crowned with honor, glory, and eternal life (Ensign, May 1991, page 70).

Neal A. Maxwell

I witness that Jesus Christ is the only name under heaven whereby one can be saved! … I testify that He is utterly incomparable. … There is none like Him! (Ensign, November 1981, page 8).

Russell M. Nelson

I know that God lives and that Jesus the Christ is his Son. He is “the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25). He lives. He is my Master. I am his servant. With all my heart, I love him (Ensign, May 1987, page 10).

Dallin H. Oaks

I testify with the ancient and modern prophets that there is no other name and no other way under heaven by which man can be saved except by Jesus Christ (Ensign, November 1988, page 68).

M. Russell Ballard

I testify to you that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of our Eternal Heavenly Father. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our Friend and Brother. I love him with all my heart (Ensign, May 1986, page 15).

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind, and yes, the Prince of Peace (Ensign, May 1991, page 38).

Richard G. Scott

I testify that the Lord lives. He loves you and will help you (Ensign, May 1989, page 37).

Robert D. Hales

I bear my testimony in all gratitude for the knowledge that our Savior lives, that he was resurrected, that there is a redemption and a salvation through the Atonement for all mankind (Ensign, May 1992, page 63).

Jeffrey R. Holland

My primary responsibility—in a sense, my total responsibility—is to bear witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. … I pledge my life to this effort (Ensign, August 1994, page 74).

President Howard W. Hunter and President Thomas S. Monson photographs by Merrett Smith

Elder M. Russell Ballard photograph by Busath Photography