September 1995

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 1995, 1


In My Own Language

I am grateful for the Tuhulu (Tongan), which provides me instruction and counsel from the Brethren in my own language. Each month, the messages and articles help bring peace to my soul, strengthen my faith, increase my gospel knowledge, and remind me of the importance of the scriptures.

After reading each issue, I share the messages and counsel with my friends. When I go on a long journey, I usually take the Tuhulu with me to keep me company.

The articles in the Tuhulu are a great blessing for me and my family because they provide us with a guide for daily living.

Saiatua ‘Ieula Fa’apoi
Titirangi Ward, Auckland New Zealand Henderson Stake

Share Gospel Messages

I was baptized early in 1990. One of the things that helped me gain a testimony of the truthfulness of the Church was President Ezra Taft Benson’s First Presidency Message, “Of the Most Worth,” in the February 1990 issue of the Liahona (Spanish). His message made me realize how important it is for all of God’s children to know the truth.

Now, as a full-time missionary, I am using the Liahona as I share gospel messages with others seeking a testimony of the truth.

I appreciate the renewed strength I gain as I read each issue.

Elder Carlos Luis Rondón
Venezuela Maracaibo Mission

The Counsel of Living Prophets

I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for the opportunity he gives me each month to read a worthwhile magazine like the Liahona (Spanish). It is comforting to know that I can turn to the counsel of living prophets in the daily struggle against worldly temptations.

Daniel Carbajal Barron
Iztacalco Ward, Mexico City Iztapalapa Stake

A Great Example

I was deeply impressed by Vernon L. Hill’s article, “The 45-Year Tithing Account,” in the December 1994 Liahona (Spanish). The article told of Sister Lukasova, who, although living in Czechoslovakia and isolated from the Church organization all those years, faithfully set aside her tithing in a savings account. This good sister’s demonstration of faith, honesty, and obedience is an example to us all.

I would urge all members of the Church to carefully read the magazine. It contains counsel from the Brethren and examples of righteous living that will help us grow spiritually and strengthen our testimonies.

Aida Pucheu de Muñoz
Villa Olga Ward, Santiago Dominican Republic South Stake
