On the cover: Cover art illustrates Amulek’s exhortation that we “be watchful unto prayer continually” (Alma 34:39). See “Cry unto Him,” page 34. Prayerful Sisters, by Larry Winborg.
Back cover: (top) Invocation, by A. D. Shaw; (bottom) illustration by Keith Larson.
Inside back cover: Lehi’s Dream, by Greg K. Olsen. In a vision, the prophet Lehi saw the tree of life, whose desirable fruit was symbolic of God’s love. Leading to the tree was an iron rod—the word of God. People either clung faithfully to the rod or fell away into temptation. From a large and spacious building, representing the world, multitudes mocked those seeking the truth (see 1 Ne. 8; 1 Ne. 11).