undefined undefined Nephi Receives Great Power
Nephi Receives Great Power
April 1996

“Nephi Receives Great Power,” Liahona, Apr. 1996, 2

Nephi Receives Great Power

Nephi was sad

Thinking about what the Lord had shown him, and about the wickedness of the Nephites, Nephi walked sadly toward his home. Hel. 10:1–3

The Lord spoke to Nephi

The Lord spoke to Nephi, praising him for being obedient and for his tireless efforts to teach the gospel. Hel. 10:4

Nephi was blessed

Nephi was blessed with the power to do all things, because the Lord knew that Nephi could be trusted to use it righteously. Hel. 10:5–7

The Lord told Nephi to warn the people

The Lord told Nephi to warn the people that if they did not repent, they would be destroyed. Nephi went at once to warn the people. Hel. 10:11–12

The people didn’t believe Nephi

The Nephites did not believe Nephi. They tried to throw him into prison. Hel. 10:14–15

God protected Nephi

The power of God protected Nephi, and he went from place to place declaring the word of God to all the people. Hel. 10:16–17

Nephites became more wicked

But the Nephites became even more wicked, and there were wars throughout the land. Hel. 11:1–2

Nephi prayed for a famine

Nephi prayed for a famine, hoping that the lack of food would humble the Nephites and help them repent. Hel. 11:3–4

The people stopped fighting

The famine came: There was no rain, so the ground dried up and grain would not grow. The people stopped fighting. Hel. 11:5–6

Many died

The people were hungry, and many of them died. Those who lived began to remember the Lord and the words of Nephi. Hel. 11:7

The people repented

The people repented of their sins and begged their judges to ask Nephi to pray for the famine to stop. The judges went to Nephi. Hel. 11:8–9

Nephi asked the Lord to stop the famine

When Nephi saw that the people had become humble and repented, he asked the Lord to stop the famine. Hel. 11:10–12

Grain began to grow again

The Lord answered Nephi’s prayers, and the fruit and grain began to grow again. The people glorified God and thought of Nephi as a great prophet. Hel. 11:17–18

Many joined the church

Most of the people joined the church. They became rich, and their cities grew. They had peace in the land. Hel. 11:20–21

More wars with the Lamanites

Then some Lamanites and some Nephites who had earlier joined the Lamanites went to war against the Nephites. Hel. 11:24–25

Gadianton robbers

The Nephites tried to destroy their enemies—who had become Gadianton robbers—but could not because they themselves had become wicked again. Then they remembered the Lord. Hel. 11:28–34

When the people were righteous, the Lord blessed them

As the Nephites became righteous, the Lord blessed them. As they became proud and forgot him, he gave them problems to help them remember him. Hel. 12:1–3

Illustrated by Jerry Thompson