May 1996

“Comment,” Liahona, May 1996, 1


God’s Beautiful Plan

When the full-time missionaries visited my home, I learned of gospel principles I never knew existed. When I attended church, I was always welcomed. After I learned of God’s beautiful plan for me—one of his spirit children—I was baptized. My parents, my brother, and my sister joined the Church later.

In the days following my baptism, I faced many challenges. But now I feel secure in the Church. I teach a seminary class, and I am the second counselor in the Young Women presidency in my branch. The articles in the Liahona (English) have been a source of strength to me. For example, President Thomas S. Monson’s First Presidency Message, “The Prayer of Faith” (March 1995), gave me a better understanding of prayer and the way in which God answers our prayers.

I am grateful to our Heavenly Father for a magazine that is a source of counsel from his prophets, seers, and revelators.

Josephine C. Valles
Masbate Branch, Philippines Naga Mission

Peace in My Heart

The Liahona (Spanish) helped bring about a complete change in my life. Prior to my baptism into the LDS church 15 years ago, I was a practicing Catholic. I was active in that church’s lay organization, serving at the national level and representing the organization at many international conventions.

My two sons, Jaime and Bernardo, were the first family members to make contact with the Church. They tried to discuss its teachings with me on several occasions, but, indignantly, I said I was not about to change my religion.

One day, out of curiosity, I picked up a copy of the Liahona that they left on a table. As I read the first article, by President Spencer W. Kimball, I felt as though I had been touched by a ray of light. His message gave me something I had hungered for all my life. Within a week, I met with the missionaries, and I was later baptized by my son, Jaime (now a bishop).

My wife has not chosen to be baptized yet. However, she supports me and loves the local church members. Patiently, I wait for the day when we can be sealed together in the temple.

Reading my first Liahona those many years ago not only brought change in my life, it also brought peace in my heart.

Jaime Rey Galvis
Alhambra Ward, Bogotá Colombia Stake

Instrument of Conversion

As I began to investigate the Church, I was given several issues of the Liahona (Spanish). The articles in these issues helped resolve some of my questions, and, as a result, I accepted the missionary discussions and was baptized 27 June 1987.

Since then, I have served a mission in Guayaquil, Ecuador, been sealed to a former missionary, and become a mother. I am very grateful to the good person who had the inspiration to give me the magazines. My testimony is strengthened continually as I read the Liahona.

Ruth Elena de Guaycal
Las Palmas Ward, Santo Domingo Ecuador Stake
