“Getting to Know the Prophet,” Liahona, May 1996, 4
Getting to Know the Prophet

Photograph by Jed Clark
Write the missing words in the blanks. All the answers to this quiz on President Hinckley’s life are found in the article on pages 2 and 3.
His father taught him how to __________ fruit trees.
He was president of the East __________ Stake.
In his patriarchal blessing, he was told that he would be a __________ of peace.
He is the __________ President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
As a boy, he learned to use __________ and later built his own home.
He married __________ Pay.
As a young man, he served a mission in __________.
His father’s name was __________ S. Hinckley.
His full name is Gordon __________ Hinckley.
He was ordained an __________ in 1961.
With over a thousand books in the family library, he loved to __________.
Many of his assignments have been involved with ___________ work.
He was a __________ to three Church Presidents.
President and Sister Hinckley have ___________ children.
His mother’s name was __________.