Sharing Time: Remembering Jesus
May 1996

“Sharing Time: Remembering Jesus,” Liahona, May 1996, 10

Sharing Time:

Remembering Jesus

“And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).

Before the earth was created, Heavenly Father chose his Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. Because Jesus loves us, he was willing to give his life to save us from death and to help us overcome our sins.

When Jesus lived on the earth, he loved his disciples (followers), and he taught them many things. He taught them to love one another and to forgive one another. He also asked them to keep the commandments of God and to repent of their sins.

At the end of his ministry, Jesus gathered his Apostles around him, for he knew that the time for his great sacrifice had come. He knew that his blood would be shed and that his body would die. To help his Apostles remember him, Jesus took some bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “Take, eat; this is my body” (Matt. 26:26). The broken bread became a symbol that his body would die for them.

He then took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink ye all of it” (Matt. 26:27). He explained that this was in remembrance of his blood, which he would shed for those who believed in him, for the remission of their sins (see JST, Matt. 26:24).

Jesus’ Apostles partook of the sacrament and later taught the other disciples about this new ordinance.

If you try to follow the Savior, you are his disciple. He loves you, and you can remember this when you partake of the sacrament.

As you sing the sacrament hymn each week in sacrament meeting, listen carefully to the words. They will help you to remember what the Savior has done for you.

Carefully listen to the sacrament prayers. When you partake of the bread and water, you promise to always remember that Jesus’ body was given and that his blood was shed for you. You promise to take his name upon you and to keep his commandments.

When you keep these promises, which you make when you partake of the sacrament, Heavenly Father will bless you with his Spirit.


Mount the next page on a heavier sheet of paper. Cut out each puzzle piece, then see how quickly you can assemble the puzzle. When you have put the puzzle together, carefully color the picture. You might share this puzzle with your family during family home evening.


Illustrated by Matthew H. Maxwell

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Divide the children into two groups. Have one group find the sacrament prayers in Moroni 4, 5 [Moro. 4–5]. Have the second group find the sacrament prayers in D&C 20:77, 79. Have the children compare the prayers as you read them aloud. Discuss the fact that the sacrament prayers are exactly the same in both references and have been given to us word for word, except that we use water instead of wine, as the Savior instructed (see introduction to D&C 27).

  2. After reviewing with the children the sacred nature of the sacrament, reverently visit the area in the chapel where the sacrament is prepared and blessed. Invite a priest, a teacher, and a deacon to explain to the children the responsibilities of preparing, blessing, and passing the sacrament.

  3. Invite several adult members of the ward to share with the children a favorite sacrament hymn. Teach the children that singing a hymn before partaking of the sacrament is important preparation for participating in the ordinance. Singing a hymn helps to direct our thoughts to Jesus and the Atonement. Provide hymnals for the children so that they may join in singing one verse from each hymn mentioned.

[illustration] Illustrated by Matthew H. Maxwell
