undefined undefined Comment
November 1997

“Comment,” Liahona, Nov. 1997, 1


“He Will Not Force”

I am a full-time missionary serving in the Chile Osorno Mission. Last week my companion and I were reading the report of the October 1996 general conference in the January 1997 Liahona (Spanish). A phrase from one particular talk was of great help to me personally and as a representative of Jesus Christ. In his talk, “According to the Desire of [Our] Hearts,” Elder Neal A. Maxwell said: “It is up to us. God will facilitate, but He will not force” (Ensign, November 1996, 22).

As missionaries, we are constantly challenging people to comply with certain requirements that will help them to follow Father in Heaven’s plan and to be more like him. Ever since I read Elder Maxwell’s statement, I have been able to say to people: “You know, it’s up to you. God will help you, but he will not force you.”

Sister Duarte,
Chile Osorno Mission

A Precious Possession

Reading Seito no Michi (Japanese) is, for me, a joyous experience. I have saved each copy of the magazine for the past 27 years—ever since I was converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I read each new issue and compare it to the previous ones. This way, I have a better understanding of Heavenly Father’s rapidly growing kingdom.

Masaru Fukuoka,
Hikone Ward, Kyoto Japan Stake

Sharing Happiness

I was baptized in February 1994. I have felt very happy, safe, and confident since my baptism. I know that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ.

I work in a hospital, a house of pain and sorrow, where our brothers and sisters need love, care, and hope. I do everything I can to share my testimony and my happiness. I give patients invitations to attend sacrament meeting at our local meetinghouse. With the hospital administration’s permission, I also leave copies of A Liahona (Portuguese) in the waiting room so that employees, patients, and family members can read them.

How marvelous it is to know that through the Atonement we can return to our Father in Heaven!

Maria Fernanda Goís,
Faro Branch, Algarve Portugal District

The Prophet’s Promise

Thank you for printing President Gordon B. Hinckley’s message, “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe,” in the May 1996 Liahona (Spanish). I have been reading 2 Timothy 1:8, “Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord,” [2 Tim. 1:8] and I am seeing miracles take place, just as our prophet promised.

Margarita Salmerón Garrido,
Granada Second Branch, Jaen Spain District