“How We Got the Book of Mormon,” Liahona, May 1998, 14
How We Got the Book of Mormon
During Joseph Smith’s boyhood, many churches claimed to be true, and he did not know which one to join. JS—H 1:5–10
Joseph studied the Bible. In James 1:5, he read, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” JS—H 1:11–12
Deciding to ask God which church to join, he went into the woods near his home one day to pray. JS—H 1:13–14
When he knelt there and prayed, Satan tried to stop him. Joseph prayed harder, asking Heavenly Father for help. JS—H 1:15–16
Joseph saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father pointed to Jesus Christ and said, “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” JS—H 1:17
Joseph asked which church was right and which he should join. He was told to join none of them, “for they were all wrong.” JS—H 1:18–19
When Joseph told others what he had seen and heard, the leaders of many local churches treated him unkindly and persecuted him. JS—H 1:21–22
Three years went by. One night, Joseph prayed to be forgiven of his sins and to know what he should do. JS—H 1:28–29
An angel named Moroni appeared and told Joseph about an important book that was written on gold plates. JS—H 1:30–35
After Moroni went back to heaven, Joseph thought about what he had been told. Moroni appeared to Joseph two more times that night and once more the next morning. JS—H 1:44–47
Later that day, Joseph went to where the plates were hidden. They were near the top of a hill not far from his home. JS—H 1:48–51
Joseph found a big rock there. He pried up the edge of the rock with a lever and saw the gold plates inside a stone box. JS—H 1:52
Moroni appeared and told Joseph not to take the plates then but to return at this same time each year. Moroni gave Joseph instructions each time he went there. JS—H 1:53–54
When Moroni finally let him take the gold plates, Joseph used the Urim and Thummim to translate some of them. JS—H 1:59–62
Later, people called scribes helped him. Joseph said in English what was written on the gold plates, and a scribe wrote it down. JS—H 1:67
Joseph took the translated words to a printer, who made them into a book called the Book of Mormon. History of the Church, 1:71–72
The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.