June 1998

“Doubles,” Liahona, June 1998, 10


Heavenly Father taught some principles in Bible stories that he also taught in similar Book of Mormon stories. Read each question below and see if you know whom each story is about. Check your answers by reading the scripture references. If you need more help, look at the chapter heading for each scripture reference. On your own or during a family home evening lesson, determine the principles you can learn from each of these “doubles” and why those principles are important.

  1. Who was put to death by the chief rulers for bearing testimony and telling them to repent?

    (See Acts 7:51–60.)

    Book of Mormon
    (See Mosiah 17:5–20.)

  2. Who was visited by the Lord or his angel and commanded to stop persecuting the Church?

    (See Acts 9:1–5.)

    Book of Mormon
    (See Mosiah 27:8, 11–17.)

  3. Who asked Jesus for the ability to remain on earth and not taste death?

    (See John 21:21–23; D&C 7:1–6.)

    Book of Mormon
    (See 3 Ne. 28:6–9.)
