undefined undefined Comment
August 1998

“Comment,” Liahona, Aug. 1998, 1


Strength through the Book of Mormon

Tears came to my eyes as I read the article “In His Own Language” in the June 1997 Songdo-ui Pot (Korean). Looking at the photographs of all the language editions of the Book of Mormon reminded me of the testimony I have gained while traveling to various countries around the world.

I have been able to attend the temple and Church services in many of the countries in Europe and Asia. Sometimes the members in these countries have even given me copies of the Book of Mormon in their languages.

Often when I am discouraged, I think of the Church members I have met in other countries and the unity we feel because of our united testimonies of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is a strength for all of us—no matter which language we read it in.

Yu, Miyoung,
Oh San Ward, Suwon Korea Stake

Messages for the World

As a full-time missionary I have the opportunity to read the Liahona (Spanish) and to share copies with others.

One time, my companion and I were approached by a young man who asked if we would give him any copies of the Liahona we had finished reading. He explained that he likes to read the Liahona because he learns much from the experiences and counsel published in the magazine.

As we left to get him a copy, we asked him which ward he belonged to. He replied that he was not a member of the Church but had been reading the Liahona for quite some time because members of the local branch had shared it with him. We asked if he wanted to know more about the Church, and eventually, after hearing the missionary discussions, he was baptized.

This new convert continues to read the Liahona because, as he says, the words of the prophets “really apply to our lives.” The messages in the Liahona are not just for members; they are for everyone.

Elder Moctezuma Meza,
México Guadalajara Mission

Offering Hope

Part of my calling as a full-time missionary is working with less-active members. My current companion and I began this part of our assignment with great enthusiasm, and we found an article in the August 1997 Liahona (Spanish) entitled “Returning to the Fold” that really helped us understand what the Lord wants us to do: offer hope to our brothers and sisters who are not enjoying all the blessings of the gospel.

Elder Rogríguez H.,
Venezuela Barcelona Mission