undefined undefined Comment
November 1998

“Comment,” Liahona, Nov. 1998, 1


New Perspective

After reading “No Other Gods before Me” in the February 1998 issue of the Liahona (Spanish), I want to thank Brother S. Michael Wilcox for the article. It helped me see that opposition is not just a tool for learning to choose what is right; it can be a great opportunity to develop divine characteristics. I am also grateful for the interesting and well-written article “The Man Adam,” by Robert L. Millet, in the same issue. I felt the Spirit as I read both articles.

Elder Navarro,
Honduras Comayaguela Mission

Cover-To-Cover Reading

I read the Liahona (English) from cover to cover—even The Friend, the section written for children. I am impressed by the lovely Saints from different parts of the world who I read about in the magazine. I am always inspired by the articles for youth and especially by the messages from our living prophet. I’ve learned to apply in my life the principles I read.

Violeta de Tomas Cereno,
Mapandan Ward, San Fabian Philippines Stake

Preserving Language Skills

I have subscribed to O Le Liahona (Samoan) intermittently for about 25 years to help maintain the language skills I learned on my mission. With the Church’s great need for couple missionaries, I think we members should learn and maintain language skills. One great way to do that is to subscribe to and read a language edition of the International Magazines. Many people may not be aware that they can receive any language edition of the magazine—no matter where they live.

Our branch president here in Uppsala, Sweden, told us that we need to increase subscriptions to Nordstjärnan (Swedish) in order for it to remain a monthly edition. He said, “We need to hear the words of the prophet, so we’d like everybody to consider buying a gift subscription.” I was so touched, I immediately gave him my money for a gift subscription, as did many other members of our branch and stake.

Paul Cox,
Uppsala Branch, Stockholm Sweden Stake

Editors’ note: For more information on Paul Cox and his work in Samoa, Sweden, and other parts of the world, see “Paul Cox—Preserving God’s Creations,” on page 32 of this issue.