February 1999

“Comment,” Liahona, Feb. 1999, 1


Guidance from Living Prophets

I like to read the messages of the living prophets in the Liahona (Spanish), and I love the talks of President Gordon B. Hinckley; they are very instructive. I am also reading the new manual Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young. President Young’s teachings are like “the tongues of seven thunders” (see Liahona, April 1998, 26–31). They touch my soul.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and that our Heavenly Father blesses us as we are faithful. I know that this Church is true and that the prophets can guide our lives.

Ana Maria Martinez Rollan,
Old Town (Spanish) Branch, Mount Vernon Virginia Stake

Finding the Living Water

I am from the Philippines, but I now live in Germany with my husband. All my life I looked for the Lord and His gospel. When I read the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, I realized that I was also looking for the living water (see John 4:4–42). I did eventually find the truth, and I was baptized a member of the Church in 1995. I am grateful for everything the Lord has done for me. I pray that I can remain true and valiant, as our prophets have counseled.

Elena R. Müller,
Essen Ward, Dortmund Germany Stake

A Challenge to Subscribe

I had been a member of the Church for about a year when a missionary challenged me to subscribe to A Liahona (Portuguese). I had never read a magazine like A Liahona in my life. While reading the first issue of my subscription, I received a testimony that the things written in it were true. I was able to see what the gospel of Jesus Christ does in the lives of people. Now as I read the magazine I try to find counsel to apply to my own life.

Jeferson Carlos Nogueira da Silva,
Aracati Branch, Mossoró Brazil District
