Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy
February 1999

“Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy,” Liahona, Feb. 1999, 48

Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy

The Lord counseled the Church more than 165 years ago that we can keep ourselves “unspotted from the world” by properly observing the Sabbath day (D&C 59:9). While others may watch how we observe the Sabbath day, we should not be self-righteous or attempt to elevate ourselves in the eyes of others (see Matt. 6:1–6, 16–18). We should simply keep the Sabbath day holy because it is what the Lord would have us do. Then we will receive joy and strength from doing so.

The Lord teaches us in Doctrine and Covenants 59:9–13 [D&C 59:9–13] that Sunday is a day to:

  • Rest.

  • Worship.

  • Offer up vows in righteousness.

  • Confess our sins.

  • Partake of the sacrament.

  • Prepare food with singleness of heart.

  • Perfect our fasting.

Additionally, President Spencer W. Kimball said the Sabbath can be used for:

  • Reading good books.

  • Contemplating.

  • Studying the scriptures and preparing talks.

  • Visiting the sick.

  • Preaching the gospel.

  • Doing good.

  • Visiting quietly with family members.

  • Seeking forgiveness of sin.

  • Journal writing.

  • Fellowshipping members and nonmembers.

  • Enjoying uplifting music.

  • Resting.

President Ezra Taft Benson said the Sabbath should not be used for:

  • Gardening and housework.

  • Taking trips to recreational areas or resorts.

  • Wasting time.

  • Making up for sleep lost on Saturday.

  • Refueling the car.

  • Being so busy there is no time for prayer or meditation.

  • Engaging in sports or hunting.

  • Reading material that does not spiritually uplift us.

  • Shopping.

Photograph by Craig Dimond
