undefined undefined Walking in Faith: Youth Bear Witness of the Lord’s Goodness
Walking in Faith: Youth Bear Witness of the Lord’s Goodness
May 1999

“Walking in Faith: Youth Bear Witness of the Lord’s Goodness,” Liahona, May 1999, 8–11

Walking in Faith:

Youth Bear Witness of the Lord’s Goodness

In the First Presidency Message in this issue of the Liahona, President Gordon B. Hinckley asks us to “live close to the Lord and walk in faith with Him, and … bear witness and testimony of His goodness to each of us” (“Life’s Obligations,” Liahona, May 1999, 7).

On the following pages, some of our youth readers share testimonies they have gained and experiences they have had in living close to the Lord and walking in faith—and thank Him for having been blessed by doing so.

Christ Walking on the Waters, by Iuli Iulievich Klever, courtesy of Sotheby’s Picture Library

Photo illustrations by Cary Henrie; posed by models

Insets: Diana Mercedes Sandoval, age 17, Quiroga Ward, Bogotá Colombia Tunjuelita Stake; Rui Miguel Simão Sequeira, age 22, Silves Branch, Portimão Portugal District; Graciela Guadalupe Núñez Hernández, age 15, Laureles Ward, Celaya México Stake; Elton John da Costa Santos, age 18, Prata Ward, Campina Grande Brazil Stake