undefined undefined I Would Tell Him about the Gospel
I Would Tell Him about the Gospel
May 1999

“I Would Tell Him about the Gospel,” Liahona, May 1999, 10

“I Would Tell Him about the Gospel”

When I was in my second year of secondary school, I met a boy named Marco Aurelio Granados Dávila. He wanted me to be his girlfriend, and he wanted to come to my house and ask my mom for her permission. I told him that in our Church, we don’t even date until we’re 16. But he kept insisting. Each time he insisted, I would tell him a little more about the gospel.

One day my mom advised me to invite him to our house. She talked to him, and then we both asked him to come to church. He accepted, and eventually the missionaries began to teach him the discussions. At one point, he asked if he would need to change religions. The missionaries told him yes. He didn’t seem to like the idea much, but he didn’t stop listening to the discussions.

And as he kept participating in the discussions, his desire to be baptized grew. Unfortunately, his mother was out of the country. Since he needed his mother’s permission to be baptized, his baptism didn’t take place for about a year. Meanwhile, he went to seminary, Sunday meetings, and youth activities.

Finally his mom came home, and he asked for her permission. She eventually agreed, and he was baptized on 8 July 1997.

Now we both try to share the gospel with our friends.