Nine-year-old Member Missionary
October 1999

“Nine-year-old Member Missionary,” Liahona, Oct. 1999, 15

Nine-year-old Member Missionary

One night my elementary school principal came to our house for a meeting. After the meeting I asked her if she had a Book of Mormon. She told me she didn’t have one, but she would like one.

Three weeks later I went to a missionary fireside. The missionaries gave me a copy of the Book of Mormon to give to a nonmember friend. I didn’t know who to give it to. Then the Holy Ghost whispered to me the name of my principal.

I told my dad I wanted to take the Book of Mormon to her. I marked one of my 7. Dad took me to her house after the fireside, and I gave it to her.

A month later, when the missionaries came to our house for dinner, they asked me if I knew anyone they could visit. I told them about the nice lady I had given the Book of Mormon to.

The next time the missionaries came to dinner, they said they had visited her and they had a feeling that someday she would join the Church!

Ashley Callister

Story Time in Galilee, by Del Parson

Illustrated by Rachel Newcomb
