Latter-day Saint Voices: A God of Miracles
November 1999

“Latter-day Saint Voices: A God of Miracles,” Liahona, Nov. 1999, 8–11

Latter-day Saint Voices:

A God of Miracles

The Lord told the Prophet Joseph Smith: “I am God, and mine arm is not shortened; and I will show miracles, signs, and wonders, unto all those who believe on my name” (D&C 35:8).

The Lord does manifest His power among His faithful. Alejandra Briones Parra of Madrid, Spain, testifies of this sustaining influence: “One day my sister became very ill. I went to a quiet place in our home and knelt down to pray. With tears in my eyes, I asked Heavenly Father to bless my sister and to give me strength and peace. As I poured out my heart, feelings of security and peace rushed over me. I had entered the room with tears of anguish—when I left it, my tears were of joy. I knew everything would be all right, and I knew Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there, eager to help and console us and to give us Their love.”

Members of the Church the world over have been blessed by divine assistance in their lives. Some experience dramatic miracles, like healings or visions; but many more, like Alejandra, experience simple, quiet affirmations of God’s presence and of His love for us. Following are examples of ways God has blessed members of the Church and shown them His love.

Christ’s Image, by Heinrich Hofmann

Illustrated by Brian Call