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April 2000

“Comment,” Liahona, Apr. 2000, 1


Editors’ note: In this issue, “The Living Christ—The Testimony of the Apostles” (pages 2–3) replaces the First Presidency Message. Home teachers are encouraged to use this message during the month of April.

With this issue we welcome four new languages to our publication. The April 2000 Liahona is the first issue in Armenian, Hiligaynon, and Malagasy. It is also the first nonconference issue in Ilokano (Ilokano subscribers received the conference issue in January 2000). Armenian is spoken primarily in Armenia and neighboring areas, Hiligaynon and Ilokano are spoken in the Philippines, and Malagasy is the language of Madagascar. Later this year the first issue in Mongolian will be published. We are excited about the growth of the Church in these areas and welcome these new readers into the Liahona family.

Salvation Only in Christ

The members of the Church in Russia are very glad for each issue of the Liahona. The magazine is very interesting from the first page to the last.

I would like to share my testimony of Jesus Christ. I know the Lord sends us difficulties and experiences, but He always whispers the way to overcome such difficulties. I now know that only in Christ and through Him can we have salvation and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church.

Natalya Vladimirovna Leonova,
Krasnopresnensky Branch, Moscow Russia North District

Mail from the Lord

Whenever I look in the mailbox and discover the Liahona (German), I think, “It’s mail from the Lord.” I am amazed by all the new articles about gospel topics, and I thank the General Authorities and my brothers and sisters across the world for their work. The masterful graphic design impresses me as well. Whenever I have the choice between worldly publications and this magazine, I gladly choose the latter.

Adolf J. Egglseder,
Simbach Branch, Munich Germany Stake

Testimony of the Living Prophet

I’m 18 years old, and I have been a Latter-day Saint for one year. Every time I read the Liahona (Spanish), I’m transported to all the places that are shown and I feel as if I am really talking with my brothers and sisters who are sharing their blessings and experiences. I can feel the truthfulness of their testimonies and the great love these people have for the Church.

When I read the words of the prophet, I feel he is saying them directly to me. It’s incredible to have a living prophet who talks to Father in Heaven and then communicates with us. I know with all my heart that this is the Lord’s Church.

Javier E. Pérez Galeano,
Carmen Ward, Barranquilla Colombia El Carmen Stake