undefined undefined Comment
May 2000

“Comment,” Liahona, May 2000, 1


Grateful for Living Prophet

I often felt concerned about my obligations until I read the First Presidency Message in the May 1999 Liahona (English). I loved the message “Life’s Obligations” by President Gordon B. Hinckley. I felt this message was given just for me, as it showed so many ways to improve. I read this message three times and immediately discussed it with my friends, who were able to see that a living prophet is a great blessing.

Nkemakolam Collins Nkemakolam,
Rumuomasi Ward, Port Harcourt Nigeria Stake

Learning by the Spirit

Every month I look forward to receiving the Liahona (Norwegian). It is good to be spiritually built up by the articles, talks, and messages in the magazine.

In the May 1999 article by Elder Dallin H. Oaks—“Teaching and Learning by the Spirit”—I received yet another confirmation that the Spirit speaks to me when I read and study the gospel.

In his article, Elder Oaks explains that a “burning in the bosom” is “a feeling of comfort and serenity.” When the Holy Ghost witnesses to me of the truth, I feel an inner serenity and peace, a happiness and harmony that make life worth living.

Mona Hamnes,
Harstad-Narvik Branch, Tromsø Norway District