undefined undefined Conference Interpreted in 48 Languages
Conference Interpreted in 48 Languages
July 2000

“Conference Interpreted in 48 Languages,” Liahona, July 2000, 121

Conference Interpreted in 48 Languages

The April 2000 general conference was interpreted in 48 languages, including for the first time Albanian, Amharic (spoken in Ethiopia), Cebuano and Ilokano (spoken in the Philippines), and Kiribati (spoken in the islands of Kiribati).

Interpretation was available in all 48 languages for non-English-speaking visitors at the Conference Center and in overflow facilities on Temple Square. Twenty-two of the 48 interpretations were broadcast via satellite; conference videotapes were distributed in other languages.

Language interpretation at conference began in 1961 in Dutch, German, Samoan, and Spanish. This year, more than 350 volunteer interpreters, most of them native speakers, performed the interpretation from the Salt Lake Tabernacle’s 40 translation booths. Interpretation for October 2000 general conference will be performed at the Conference Center after its 57 translation booths are completed.