“Book of Mormon Scripture-Story Grab Bag,” Liahona, Oct. 2000, 2
Book of Mormon Scripture-Story Grab Bag
To play this scripture-story game, remove these two pages from the magazine. Mount the picture cards on lightweight cardboard, cut them out, and put them into a small, sturdy bag. Have the first player pick one card from the grab bag, and tell which Book of Mormon story the card reminds him or her of. There are no wrong answers, but the player must explain why the card reminds him or her of that story. For example, the “teacher” card might remind you of Alma the Younger, Ammon, or Amulek as missionaries; Nephi teaching his brothers; or another story. Keep playing until at least one story has been shared for each card. To expand the game, add the Old Testament Scripture-Story Grab Bag cards (see The Friend, October 1998, 13) and the New Testament Scripture-Story Grab Bag cards (see The Friend, October 1999, 12–13), and play the game with stories from the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
Teacher |
Records |
Sword |
Earth |
Daughter |
Prison or Prisoner |
Tree |
Children |
Stone |
Fire |
Hill or Mountain |
Holy Ghost |
Jerusalem |
King |
Temple |
Bow |
Book of Mormon |
Sacrament |
Angel |
Sheep |
Ore |
Jesus Christ |
Water |
Wall |
Fruit |
Liahona |
Title of Liberty |
Tower |
Ship |
Family |
Illustrated by Mark Robison