October 2000

“Comment,” Liahona, Oct. 2000, 1


Share the Liahona

The Liahona (Portuguese) is a compass that guides in the right direction. If kept in dark closets, the magazine will not perform its mission. If it is stored in bundles and kept, it will cease liberating souls from the dark prison of ignorance.

I would encourage members of the Church to lend the Liahonas they have already read to friends and neighbors. I am the only member of the Church in a small city of 8,300 inhabitants. I attend church in another city, Juiz de Fora, where I was baptized in 1978. But the people in my city like to read the Liahona, and I pass it on to them.

Geebe Laudelino da Silva,
Manchester Ward, Juiz de Fora Brazil Stake

Liahona Brings Joy

A year and 10 months after my baptism, I received my first subscription to the Liahona (English). I read almost all its contents and realized the joy it brings. The magazine lifts me and gives me encouragement and ideas about how to deal with my problems. It increases my testimony of the truthfulness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And it draws me near to Heavenly Father and His Son.

I am the only member of the Church in my family. Now I’m sharing the Liahona with my relatives and with Church members who don’t yet have a subscription. I just can’t keep the truthfulness and joy of the gospel inside.

Filipina Munsayal,
Baguio Pacdal Ward, Baguio Philippines Stake
