“The Boy Jesus,” Liahona, Oct. 2000, 12
The Boy Jesus

Jesus grew up in the city of Nazareth. He learned many things, and He “grew … strong … and the grace of God was upon him.” Luke 2:39–40

When Jesus was 12, He went with Joseph and Mary and a large group of people to a celebration in Jerusalem. They were there for several days. Luke 2:41–43

When Joseph and Mary left for home, they didn’t know Jesus had stayed in Jerusalem. They thought He was walking back to Nazareth with His friends. Luke 2:43–44

They looked for Him but did not find Him. No one knew where He was, so Joseph and Mary went back to Jerusalem. They looked for Jesus for three days. They were very sad. Luke 2:44–46

At last they found Him in the temple, talking with some teachers. The teachers were asking Him questions, and He was answering them. The teachers were surprised that Jesus knew the answers. Luke 2:46–47; Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 2:46

Mary told Jesus that she and Joseph had been worried about Him. Jesus replied that He was doing His Father’s work—God’s work. Joseph and Mary did not understand. Luke 2:48–50

Jesus went home to Nazareth with Joseph and Mary, and He was obedient to them. Luke 2:51

Jesus learned more and more about His Heavenly Father’s work. Luke 2:52

He grew tall and strong. Luke 2:52

People loved Him. He did what God wanted Him to do. Luke 2:52

God loved Him. Luke 2:52
Illustrated by Paul Mann