Using the October 2000 Liahona
October 2000

“Using the October 2000 Liahona,” Liahona, Oct. 2000, 48

Using the October 2000 Liahona

Are you looking for a story or quotation for a talk, class, family home evening lesson, or seminary devotional? You might find some helpful ideas in this issue of the Liahona.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • “Our Search for Happiness,” page 2: Discuss President Faust’s words: “Happiness is not given to us in a package that we can just open up and consume. Nobody is ever happy 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

  • “Fear Not; Only Believe,” page 26: Have each family member write down six things he or she believes in. Compare these lists to the six beliefs President Hinckley admonishes us to develop. Discuss ways to make family and individual priorities consistent with President Hinckley’s counsel.

  • “Personal Purity,” page 40: Discuss Elder Holland’s three reasons “why [personal purity] is an issue of such magnitude and consequence in the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

  • “Elder Peterson and Goliath,” page F4: If appropriate, share an experience in which you felt prompted to talk to someone about the gospel. Talk about why it is important to act upon such promptings.

Photo illustration by Steve Bunderson
