“Ye May Know the Truth,” Liahona, Oct. 2000, 22
“Ye May Know the Truth”
Latter-day Saint youth bear witness of the Book of Mormon.
“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
“And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moro. 10:4–5).
On the following pages, youth from around the world bear testimony that the words written by Book of Mormon prophets are indeed the words of Christ, for the Holy Ghost has witnessed to them, as Moroni promised, that “these things” are true.
My mother and I were baptized on 5 October 1997. It was such a great blessing for me. I had always felt something important was missing in my life, and I could not understand what it was. But while studying the Book of Mormon I felt that this book was true and that the Church was true. This feeling grew stronger and stronger. My faith grew too. I read the Book of Mormon every day. When the missionaries came to visit us, they asked my mother and me if we had asked the Lord if the Book of Mormon was true. I told them I did not have any doubts about the Book of Mormon. My feelings about the book were strong from the minute I started to read.
Julia Martynova,
Obukhovsky Branch, St. Petersburg Russia South District
My companion and I were teaching the first discussion, and as is customary I challenged our investigators to ask God whether Joseph Smith was a prophet. I never imagined I would hear the answer I heard, for the day had been very difficult. They responded, “We do not have to ask God, because while you were speaking, we felt that it is true.” How sweet those words were to me.
I have heard those same words several times since then. How gratifying it is to see people who share testimonies of the Prophet Joseph Smith and of the Church. Their faith strengthens my own testimony that this is the Church of the Savior, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon is true. How marvelous it is to share this message with others.
Elder Adriano Machado de Souza,
Brazil Curitiba Mission
We were studying the Book of Mormon in seminary, and I had learned many things. I read every night. At first I read just because I was supposed to. Later on it was a habit, and then I was reading because I wanted to.
I learned more from the scriptures during that time in my life than I had ever imagined. I was almost finished with the Book of Mormon, and I knew the big question would be coming soon: Is the Book of Mormon true?
Late one night I finished reading the Book of Mormon. I had read it cover to cover. I knelt down beside my bed and asked with a sincere heart with a desire to know the answer to that one question. After I finished my prayer, I sat there for a minute and waited. Then it hit me. The warm, peaceful answer. Right then I knew the Book of Mormon was true. I ran upstairs to tell my parents. I stood in their doorway, and I started crying because I knew in my heart the Book of Mormon was the true word of God. That was the happiest night of my life. I cannot deny the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
Jennifer Harrison,
Wellsville First Ward, Wellsville Utah Stake
I am very grateful for having been baptized into the true Church. I will never forget the moment I was baptized on 12 November 1995. Today, serving a mission, I love the scriptures even more. They strengthen me and my testimony.
I am happy helping families find the true gospel and recognize that Jesus Christ lives and that God loves us very much. I am the only member of the Church in my family, and I am waiting for the day when I can share the scriptures and my testimony with my family. I know the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price testify of Christ. I know that if people will read the scriptures every day, they will know that He is the Savior.
Elder Fabio Pereira dos Santos,
Brazil Londrina Mission
I thought I met the missionaries by accident. When I agreed to hear the first discussion, it was out of curiosity only. Now I realize the Lord led me to them so I could understand many things I did not know before.
The missionaries taught me how to pray. I had never prayed, but I decided to pray with all my heart. When I did, the Lord revealed the truth to me. I know Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and our Redeemer. I know Joseph Smith is the prophet through whom Jesus Christ restored His Church—the only true church on earth. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God.
Since I joined the Church, my family and I have received many blessings. My heart is full of love and faith. Going to my Sunday meetings and feeling the Holy Ghost make my faith grow even stronger.
I want to share the great gifts my Heavenly Father has given me, gifts which fill my life with joy.
Tatiana Silaeva,
Engels Branch, Saratov Russia District
I trust in God. I know He lives and hears my prayers. In order to know these truths, I immersed myself in the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
After I was baptized I felt the fiery darts of the enemy confuse me and cause me to put off attending seminary. A few days later I began reading the Book of Mormon with a prayer to our Father in Heaven. I felt a beautiful response in my heart that motivated me to attend seminary and apply each class to my life.
Now I understand that when I was baptized into the Church I gained many blessings. I feel very happy to have my testimony as a constant source of strength each day of my life.
María Marcela Vargas Del Águila,
Santa Anita Ward, Lima Perú Santa Anita Stake
Detail from Joseph Smith Receiving the Plates, by Kenneth Riley
Detail from Christ Appearing in the Western Hemisphere, by Arnold Friberg